Maximum likeligood estimatin of GARCH(1,1) model

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I have a problem in estimating GARCH(1,1) with maximum likelihood method. I hope anyone can help and give me an advice what's wrong with the following code.
%---------------------------------------- % main code with function: param = [0.001; 0.001; 0.2; 0.6]; distr = 'normal'; T=1000; data = garch11_sim(param, distr, T);
X = ones(T,1); dataX = [data, X];
k=1; % parameter number in mean equation p=1; q=1;
lowerBounds = []; % Linear inequalities captured, c+p+q
upperBounds = []; % as lower bounds constraints.
SumConA = [-eye(k+1+p+q); ... zeros(1,k+1) ones(1,p) ones(1,q)];
SumConB = [inf;zeros(1+p+q,1); 1];
options = optimset('fmincon');
options = optimset(options , 'TolFun' , 1e-006);
options = optimset(options , 'Display' , 'iter');
options = optimset(options , 'Diagnostics' , 'on');
options = optimset(options , 'LargeScale' , 'off');
options = optimset(options , 'MaxFunEvals' , 400*(2+p+q));
SumConB = SumConB - [zeros(k+1+p+q,1); 1]*2*optimget(options, 'TolCon', 1e-6);
starting = [0.001; 0.0013; 0.2; 0.5];
[parameters, LLF, EXITFLAG, OUTPUT, LAMBDA, GRAD] = fmincon('garch11_like',starting,SumConA,SumConB,[],[],lowerBounds,upperBounds,[],options, dataX, distr);
function loglike = garch11_like(param, data, distr)
T = size(data,1); et = data(:,1) - data(:,2:end)*param(1);
ht(1) = param(2)/(1-param(3)-param(4));
for t=2:T; ht(t) = param(2) + param(3)*(et(t-1)^2)+ param(4)*ht(t-1); end
switch distr
case 'normal'
loglike0 = -0.5*log(2*pi) - 0.5*(log(ht)) - 0.5*((et.^2)./ht);
loglike = sum(loglike0);
case 'tdis'
loglike0 = log(gamma(0.5*(v+1))) - log(gamma(v/2)) - 0.5*log(v*pi*ht) - (v+1)/2*log(1+(et.^2)./(v*ht));
loglike = sum(loglike0);
loglike = -loglike;

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