vector function takes vector input ?
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Nora Khaled
on 10 Feb 2019
Commented: Star Strider
on 13 Feb 2019
Hello !
I am having truble inserting vectors as an input to a function that is a vector
what I did is
I defined a function as
gradient=@(x) [1;x;x^2;x^3];
then I need to input a vector to it. like this
gradient([2 ;3 ; 4])
gradient([2 3 4])
so the result I am hoping for is a matrix where each column represent a function (1,x,x^2,x^3)
and each row is the value of the function at each point in the input vector.
so it would be some thing like:
1 2 4 8
1 3 9 27
1 4 16 46
I have done this using loop. but since the data I am dealing with is large this takes so long and I would brefer a method that does it in a vector form.
Accepted Answer
Star Strider
on 10 Feb 2019
First, gradient is a quite useful built-in MATLAB function, so name your function something different.
Second, your function needs some help.
Try this:
myGradient = @(x) [ones(size(x(:))), x(:), x(:).^2, x(:).^3];
Y = myGradient([2 3 4])
I will leave it to you to explore the details of colon operator single-indexing (it forces ‘x’ here to be a column vector), and the necessity to use the ones function.
Y =
1 2 4 8
1 3 9 27
1 4 16 64
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