Encode function not enough input arguments error in App Designer but works fine in MATLAB script

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I was trying to write a GUI for text classification by app designer. I've also written a script (.m file) to do the basic functions testing.
In the script, everything worked out perfectly as I wanted. Part of the code is shown as below:
newValidationdata = preprocessText(validationData); %validationdata is a 80X1 string array; preprocessText is a function I've defined for text cleaning.
XNew = encode(bag, newValidationData); %bag is a bagOfWords variable
[labelsNew, score, cost] = predict(mdl, XNew); %mdl is the resulting model after training
I passed two arguments to the encode function and nothing went wrong. The encode function was executable in the command window.
In App Designer I created a classify button and its callback function is performing the same operation mentioned above in the code:
bag = load('bag.mat');
mdl = load('mdl.mat');
newValidationData = preprocessText(app, app.UITable2.Data);
XNew = encode(bag, newValidationData);
app.UITable3.Data = predict(mdl, XNew);
After running the app, however, it shows the message: "Error using encode (line 19) Not enough input arguments." How's that possible if the code works on MATLAB but not in App Designer?
I've tried to add "app" a the first argument of encode.
encode(app, bag, newValidationData);
As it turned out, a different message popped out: "Undefined function 'floor' for input arguments of type 'struct'. Error in encode (line 51) if (floor(n) ~= n) || (n<1)" How should I resolve this problem?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 29 Jul 2019
You might suspect that, but if you were to post the output I requested, then we would *know* rather than just suspecting.
Chin-Hao Chang
Chin-Hao Chang on 29 Jul 2019
Hi Walter,
I finally figured out the problem. Using the function "load" results in struct-type output, which isn't recognizable by the function "encode". Hence instead of passing bag & mdl into the argument, use the code below instead:
newValidationData = preprocessText(app, app.UITable2.Data);
XNew = encode(bag.bag, newValidationData);
app.UITable3.Data = predict(mdl.mdl, XNew);
The correct data type will consequently be passed into the function. Thank you for taking your time Walter, I appreciate it!

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