Error of using ART algorithm during the attempt of using AIR Tools II to make a stress wave tomographic image of inside of a palm tree

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Hi, staff of Matlab. I am Reuben Ho Chee Wui. I am currently having problem with using AIR Tools II to reconstruct a stress wave tomographic image of inside of a palm tree.
Here are three pictures shown by Figure 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
The first picture is shown below. Please see Figure 1. This picture shows matlab codes that I wrote to reconstruct the tomographic image of inside of the palm tree.
Matlab codes for tomographic image of inside of the palm tree.png
Figure 1.
The second picture is shown below. Please refer to Figure 2. This is for showing for error that appeared during my attempt to use ART algorithm from AIR Tools II.
Error in Tomographic Image of Palm Tree When Trying to Use ART.png
Figure 2.
Here is the thrid picture (Figure 3). This picture indicates line 120 of art.m file from AIR Tools II.
Error in art from AIR Tools II.png
Figure 3.
The website for AIR Tools II is
I also attached art.m file from AIR Tools II file that I downloaded from the website. The art.m file is from
Here are my questions regarding line 120 which is some matlab codes in art.m file from AIR Tools II.
Question 1:
Based on Figure 3, it shows undefined function or variable 'check_inputs'. What does it mean?
Question 2:
What can I do to fix the issue due to the message showing Undefined function or variable 'check_inputs'?
Thank you very much. If there is a need for me to change how I ask these questions, please kindly let me know.

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