Help regarding segmentation of liver of MRI nifti images

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I have been trying to segment liver from MRI images which are in nifti format. The nifti file has multiple slices. I am getting good results if i do segmentation of each slice individually, but i want all the slices to be segmented at once. As i was trying, the output mask shows poor results. The liver is not completely segmented, and also other parts are also segmented along with liver. i have been using this code:
function [P, J] = regionGrowing(cIM, initPos, thresVal, maxDist, tfMean, tfFillHoles, tfSimplify)
% REGIONGROWING Region growing algorithm for 2D/3D grayscale images
% Syntax:
% P = regionGrowing();
% P = regionGrowing(cIM);
% P = regionGrowing(cIM, initPos)
% P = regionGrowing(..., thresVal, maxDist, tfMean, tfFillHoles, tfSimpl)
% [P, J] = regionGrowing(...);
% Inputs:
% cIM: 2D/3D grayscale matrix {current image}
% initPos: Coordinates for initial seed position {ginput position}
% thresVal: Absolute threshold level to be included {5% of max-min}
% maxDist: Maximum distance to the initial position in [px] {Inf}
% tfMean: Updates the initial value to the region mean (slow) {false}
% tfFillHoles: Fills enclosed holes in the binary mask {true}
% tfSimplify: Reduces the number of vertices {true, if dpsimplify exists}
% Outputs:
% P: VxN array (with V number of vertices, N number of dimensions)
% P is the enclosing polygon for all associated pixel/voxel
% J: Binary mask (with the same size as the input image) indicating
% 1 (true) for associated pixel/voxel and 0 (false) for outside
% Examples:
% % 2D Example
% load example
% figure, imshow(cIM, [0 1500]), hold all
% poly = regionGrowing(cIM, [], 300); % click somewhere inside the lungs
% plot(poly(:,1), poly(:,2), 'LineWidth', 2)
% % 3D Example
% load mri
% poly = regionGrowing(squeeze(D), [66,55,13], 60, Inf, [], true, false);
% plot3(poly(:,1), poly(:,2), poly(:,3), 'x', 'LineWidth', 2)
% Requirements:
% TheMathWorks Image Processing Toolbox for bwboundaries() and axes2pix()
% Optional: Line Simplification by Wolfgang Schwanghart to reduce the
% number of polygon vertices (see the MATLAB FileExchange)
% Remarks:
% The queue is not preallocated and the region mean computation is slow.
% I haven't implemented a preallocation nor a queue counter yet for the
% sake of clarity, however this would be of course more efficient.
% Author:
% Daniel Kellner, 2011, braggpeaks{}
% History: v1.00: 2011/08/14
% error checking on input arguments
if nargin > 7
error('Wrong number of input arguments!')
if ~exist('cIM', 'var')
himage = findobj('Type', 'image');
if isempty(himage) || length(himage) > 1
error('Please define one of the current images!')
cIM = get(himage, 'CData');
if ~exist('initPos', 'var') || isempty(initPos)
himage = findobj('Type', 'image');
if isempty(himage)
himage = imshow(cIM, []);
% graphical user input for the initial position
p = ginput(1);
% get the pixel position concerning to the current axes coordinates
initPos(1) = round(axes2pix(size(cIM, 2), get(himage, 'XData'), p(2)));
initPos(2) = round(axes2pix(size(cIM, 1), get(himage, 'YData'), p(1)));
if ~exist('thresVal', 'var') || isempty(thresVal)
thresVal = double((max(cIM(:)) - min(cIM(:)))) * 0.05;
if ~exist('maxDist', 'var') || isempty(maxDist)
maxDist = Inf;
if ~exist('tfMean', 'var') || isempty(tfMean)
tfMean = false;
if ~exist('tfFillHoles', 'var')
tfFillHoles = true;
if isequal(ndims(cIM), 2)
initPos(3) = 1;
elseif isequal(ndims(cIM),1) || ndims(cIM) > 3
error('There are only 2D images and 3D image sets allowed!')
[nRow, nCol, nSli] = size(cIM);
if initPos(1) < 1 || initPos(2) < 1 ||...
initPos(1) > nRow || initPos(2) > nCol
error('Initial position out of bounds, please try again!')
if thresVal < 0 || maxDist < 0
error('Threshold and maximum distance values must be positive!')
if ~isempty(which('dpsimplify.m'))
if ~exist('tfSimplify', 'var')
tfSimplify = true;
simplifyTolerance = 1;
tfSimplify = false;
% initial pixel value
regVal = double(cIM(initPos(1), initPos(2), initPos(3)));
% text output with initial parameters
disp(['RegionGrowing Opening: Initial position (' num2str(initPos(1))...
'|' num2str(initPos(2)) '|' num2str(initPos(3)) ') with '...
num2str(regVal) ' as initial pixel value!'])
% preallocate array
J = false(nRow, nCol, nSli);
% add the initial pixel to the queue
queue = [initPos(1), initPos(2), initPos(3)];
while size(queue, 1)
% the first queue position determines the new values
xv = queue(1,1);
yv = queue(1,2);
zv = queue(1,3);
% .. and delete the first queue position
queue(1,:) = [];
% check the neighbors for the current position
for i = -1:1
for j = -1:1
for k = -1:1
if xv+i > 0 && xv+i <= nRow &&... % within the x-bounds?
yv+j > 0 && yv+j <= nCol &&... % within the y-bounds?
zv+k > 0 && zv+k <= nSli &&... % within the z-bounds?
any([i, j, k]) &&... % i/j/k of (0/0/0) is redundant!
~J(xv+i, yv+j, zv+k) &&... % pixelposition already set?
sqrt( (xv+i-initPos(1))^2 +...
(yv+j-initPos(2))^2 +...
(zv+k-initPos(3))^2 ) < maxDist &&... % within distance?
cIM(xv+i, yv+j, zv+k) <= (regVal + thresVal) &&...% within range
cIM(xv+i, yv+j, zv+k) >= (regVal - thresVal) % of the threshold?
% current pixel is true, if all properties are fullfilled
J(xv+i, yv+j, zv+k) = true;
% add the current pixel to the computation queue (recursive)
queue(end+1,:) = [xv+i, yv+j, zv+k];
if tfMean
regVal = mean(mean(cIM(J > 0))); % --> slow!
% loop through each slice, fill holes and extract the polygon vertices
P = [];
for cSli = 1:nSli
if ~any(J(:,:,cSli))
% use bwboundaries() to extract the enclosing polygon
if tfFillHoles
% fill the holes inside the mask
J(:,:,cSli) = imfill(J(:,:,cSli), 'holes');
B = bwboundaries(J(:,:,cSli), 8, 'noholes');
B = bwboundaries(J(:,:,cSli));
newVertices = [B{1}(:,2), B{1}(:,1)];
% simplify the polygon via Line Simplification
if tfSimplify
newVertices = dpsimplify(newVertices, simplifyTolerance);
% number of new vertices to be added
nNew = size(newVertices, 1);
% append the new vertices to the existing polygon matrix
if isequal(nSli, 1) % 2D
P(end+1:end+nNew, :) = newVertices;
else % 3D
P(end+1:end+nNew, :) = [newVertices, repmat(cSli, nNew, 1)];
% text output with final number of vertices
disp(['RegionGrowing Ending: Found ' num2str(length(find(J)))...
' pixels within the threshold range (' num2str(size(P, 1))...
' polygon vertices)!'])
I want to know the necessary changes i have to make in the code so that i can get better results. I can email the nifti images and results if anyone wants to check.
  1 Comment
Jayanta Mondal
Jayanta Mondal on 27 Jul 2021
Hey Hemanth Reddy,
I am also working with MRI images in nifti format for brain segmentation and I am not sure how I should begin to write a region growing algorithm. The code you posted above is really helpful. If possible, can you please post an updated version of your code (if you were able to solve your above issue)?
Thank you for your answer!

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Answers (2)

Sorelle Vanessa Mappa Djontu
hi ,
I am also working on MRI liver segmentation and i dont know how and where i should begin. I read that you are able to segment liver for one image, please can you provide to me the code of that ?
thank you for your answer.
  1 Comment
Hemanth Reddy
Hemanth Reddy on 11 Feb 2020
The code is already attached above and please let me know how if you have any update for me. BTW i am using medical images in Nifti format.

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Rokia on 29 Jul 2022
Hi! Could you provide me the code of contrast enhancement of nifti image using histogram equalization or any enhancement method
  1 Comment
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 29 Jul 2022
Don't use histogram equalization - it's really lousy. You would not be happy with the results. Just use normal window and level like radiologists use. Multiply the image by a factor, and add an offset.

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