How to convert a spring plotted in plot3 into a mesh

56 views (last 30 days)
Currently I am trying to create a 3D surface model of a clutch plate in MatLab's mesh/surf environment.
I have the springs plotted via the plot3 command. Master springs are generated as follows:
%Spring Generation
NumberOfTurns= 15; % How many turns in each spring?
SpringLength=15; %How long is the spring in mm
SpringRadius=(CentralDiskThickness)/2; % Coil radius of each spring?
NumberOfSprings=4; %Number of springs in the clutch plate?
%Creation of master springs, first in x-direction, then in y-direction
t = 0:0.001:1; % each spring is 1001 points
Xs1=t; %x-coordinates (this sets the spring to be created in the x-direction)
Ys1=SpringRadius*cos(t*2*pi*NumberOfTurns); % y-coordinates
Zs1=SpringRadius*sin(t*2*pi*NumberOfTurns); % z-coordinates
Xs2=SpringRadius*sin(t*2*pi*NumberOfTurns) %x-coordinates
Ys2=t %y-coordinates (this sets the spring to be created in the y-direction)
Zs2=SpringRadius*cos(t*2*pi*NumberOfTurns) %z-coordinates
This code is based off Amitava Biswas' "Spring Demo" code.
The plotting of the springs is as follows:
for k=1:2 % each spring at a time
% log xyz coordinates of two end points for this spring
dX=x2(k)-x1(k); % extent of this spring along x-axis
dY=y2(k)-y1(k); % extent of this spring along y-axis
dZ=z2(k)-z1(k); % extent of this spring along z-axis
p=[Xs1'*dX,Ys1',Zs1'] % "Xs1*dX" stretches the spring in the x-direction to the correct length
sX=p(:,1)+x1(k); % shift x-coordinates
sY=p(:,2)+y1(k); % shift y-coordinates
sZ=p(:,3)+z1(k); % shift z-coordinates
plot3(sX,sY,sZ,'linewidth',2,'color', rand(1,3))
hold on % to add next spring
And another for loop is used for the y-direction springs
I want to plot this data as a mesh instead, so that I am able to create an overall mesh with both the springs and the rest of the clutch plate.
Any ideas?

Accepted Answer

darova on 24 Mar 2020
What about torus?
You can modify Z coordinate
James Thomson
James Thomson on 2 Nov 2021
This is great, can you think of a way to compress/stretch the resulting spring?

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