Cant Solve ODE with dsolve

35 views (last 30 days)
I am having issues solving this Differential Equation using dsolve
dT/dt = (A1*exp(1i*(w*t+phi))+A1)*(B1*exp(1i*w*t)-T(t))
A1 = 7.9443e-5;
B1 = 10;
w = 7.3e-5;
phi = 0;
syms T(t)
ode = diff(T) == (A1*exp(1i*(w*t+phi))+A1)*(B1*exp(1i*w*t)-T);
cond = T(0) == 10;
TSol(t) = dsolve(ode,cond);
%The solution comes out to be:
TSol = exp(-(5861854777884531*dt)/73786976294838206464 + ...
(exp((dt*5386449269523189i)/73786976294838206464)*1953951592628177i)/1795483089841063) * ...
int((29309273889422655*exp(x*(5861854777884531/73786976294838206464 + ...
16159347808569567i/147573952589676412928) - ...
(exp((x*5386449269523189i)/73786976294838206464)*1953951592628177i)/1795483089841063) * ...
cos((5386449269523189*x)/147573952589676412928))/18446744073709551616, ...
x, 0, t, 'IgnoreSpecialCases', true, 'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints', true) + ...
10*exp(- (5861854777884531*t)/73786976294838206464 + ...
(exp((t*5386449269523189i)/73786976294838206464)*1953951592628177i)/1795483089841063) * ...
I dont understand what this portion of the solution or the rest of it means.
int((29309273889422655*exp(x*(5861854777884531/73786976294838206464 + 16159347808569567i/147573952589676412928) - (exp((x*5386449269523189i)/73786976294838206464)*1953951592628177i)/1795483089841063)*cos((5386449269523189*x)/147573952589676412928))/18446744073709551616, x, 0, t, 'IgnoreSpecialCases', true, 'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints', true)
Is it possible for someone to explain why I get (x, 0, t, 'IgnoreSpecialCases', true, 'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints', true) in my solution and how do I fix it to get a proper analytical solution. I am running MATLAB R2019a.
I solved a similar differential equation seen below and this work using dsolve so I am not sure why my current DEQ doesn't work:
DEQ: dT/dt = (A1*exp(1i*(w*t+phi)))*(B1*exp(1i*w*t)-T(t))

Accepted Answer

Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson on 14 May 2020
So you have a linear first-order differential equation looking something like this:
Then I'd suggest that special cases are combinations of A1 B1 and w equals zero. If I run your code without the numerical values of A1 B1 phi and w I get:
TSol = dsolve(diff(T) == (A1*exp(1i*(w*t+phi))+A1)*(B1*exp(1i*w*t)-T),cond)
TSol =
10*exp(-(A1*exp(phi*1i)*1i)/w)*exp(- A1*t + (A1*exp(phi*1i)*exp(t*w*1i)*1i)/w) + exp(- A1*t + (A1*exp(phi*1i)*exp(t*w*1i)*1i)/w)*int(A1*B1*exp(A1*u + u*w*1i - (A1*exp(phi*1i)*exp(u*w*1i)*1i)/w)*(exp(phi*1i + u*w*1i) + 1), u, 0, t, 'IgnoreSpecialCases', true, 'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints', true)
>> pretty(TSol)
/ A1 #3 1i \ | / A1 #3 exp(#1) 1i \
exp| - -------- | #2 10 + #2 | A1 B1 exp| A1 u + #1 - ---------------- | (exp(phi 1i + #1) + 1) du
\ w / / \ w /
#1 == u w 1i
/ A1 #3 exp(t w 1i) 1i \
#2 == exp| - A1 t + -------------------- |
\ w /
#3 == exp(phi 1i)
It is a long expression, but it containe nothing extraordinarily complicated, but if for example w is zero this falls appart. You should be able to convert this into a regular m-function in a couple of minutes. It seems to fit the ode rather nicely.
Walter  Parker
Walter Parker on 21 May 2020
Thank you so much for your help. I was finally able to complete my project due to your input.

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More Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 14 May 2020
There does not appear to be an analytic solution to that. I checked with Maple.
Two functions that look very similar can turn out to have very different properties.

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