Butter bandpass filter - why the Wp 0.4 doesn´t works and 0.6 does?

4 views (last 30 days)
I am analyzing an acelerometer data signal. I have to apply a bandpass Butterworth filter with a Wp value (low frequency pass) of 0.4 hz.
I paste the matlab code.
f=[0.4/500 10/500];
%f=[0.6/500 10/500];
I do not really know why the filter does not work for a wp=0.4 and it does for wp=0.6.
  1 Comment
Jan on 20 Nov 2012
Edited: Jan on 20 Nov 2012
What do you exactly mean by "does not work"? A description would be helpfuil to understand what your actual problem is.
Your code does not contain a variable called "wp". Are you talking of f(1) and f(2)?

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Accepted Answer

nani on 28 Nov 2012
Thank so much for your comments, I have prepared a matlab code where you can see what i am taking about. I have used a sino signal.
Try it and tell me what do you think about.
clear clc tic
% Signal sino and filters
% Time(s), frequence (Hz) tf=10; f=0.6; a=1; muestreo=1000;
t=[0:1/muestreo:tf]'; y=a*sin(2*pi*f*t);
% Filter orden 4 from 0.4 to 10 Hz orden=4; f=[0.4/500 10/500]; [b,a]=butter(orden,f,'bandpass'); resultados(:,1)=filter(b,a,y);
% Filter orden 4 from 0.6 to 10 Hz orden=4; f=[0.6/500 10/500]; [b,a]=butter(orden,f,'bandpass'); resultados(:,2)=filter(b,a,y);
% Filter orden 4 from 0.8 to 10 Hz orden=4; f=[0.8/500 10/500]; [b,a]=butter(orden,f,'bandpass'); resultados(:,3)=filter(b,a,y);
plot(t,y,t,resultados(:,1),t,resultados(:,2),t,resultados(:,3)) grid on; title('Sino signal: Filter 0.6-10, 0.65-10 y 0.7-10'); xlabel('Tiempo (s)'); ylabel('Señal'); legend('Sino','Filter 0.6-10','Filter 0.7-10','Filter 0.8-10');
You have also asked me abouy wp parameter, it is a parameter of butterworth filter.
[B,A] = butter(N,Wn) designs an Nth order lowpass digital
Butterworth filter and returns the filter coefficients in length
N+1 vectors B (numerator) and A (denominator). The coefficients
are listed in descending powers of z. The cutoff frequency
Wn must be 0.0 < Wn < 1.0, with 1.0 corresponding to
half the sample rate.
nani on 30 Nov 2012
I have observed that you won´t see the files i have sent. So I have upload it in a zip file using matlab file exchange option "http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/new" Mi file name is "Butter bandpass filter.zip" Thank so much. best regards.
Jan on 30 Nov 2012
Edited: Jan on 30 Nov 2012
@nani: This is not the purpose of the FileExchange.
I'm asking the 3rd and last time for the application of a proper code formatting. A formatted code would encourage forum users to care about your questions.
Currently this thread conatins a lot of DON'Ts in this forum:
  1. "does not work" without details
  2. Code added in an answer, although this contains in the original question
  3. Answer posted instead of a comment
  4. This answer is accepted, such that the thread is marked as solved, although it is not
  5. A link is posted, which does not work. Instead of removing it, a further comment is added.
  6. Further code is posted in the FileExchange, but this is not its purpose.
  7. And still the question is not clear.
I suggest to restart: You can create a new thread, ask as clear as possible, add a screenshot (instructions can be found in the forum), and finally delete this thread and the FEX submission, when it will appear (perhaps on Monday).

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