different basevalue for stems in a for loop

3 views (last 30 days)
I am stuck on how I can reset the multiple stems' BaseValues in a for loop.
However, when I run my code, the BaseValues of stem1 to stem11 switch from 0 to -y_shift after some time. Is there a way where I can reset the BaseValues of my stems to be at the right BaseValues?
stem1 to stem11 should have a BaseValue at 0.
stem12 should have a BaseValue at -y_shift.
y_shift = 1;
for k = 1:10:m+1 % for faster animations i.e. skip frame
z = u_approx_dirac(k,:);
hold on
plot(x, zeta(x), 'r');
if t(k) < x_dis(1)
u(k) = u_approx(2,3)*sqrt(zeta(c)/zeta(c+t(k)));
stem1 = stem(t(k), u(k), 'filled', 'k');
set(stem1, 'ShowBaseLine', 'off');
plot1 = plot(x_dirac (abs(z) < z_min), z (abs(z) < z_min), 'k');
if x_dis(1) < t(k) && t(k) < x_dis(2)
u(k) = (1 + r_dis(1))*u_approx(2,3)*sqrt(zeta(c)/zeta(c + t(k)));
stem2 = stem(t(k), u(k), 'filled', 'k');
set(stem2, 'ShowBaseLine', 'off');
plot2 = plot(x_dirac (abs(z) < 2), z (abs(z) < 2), 'k');
if x_dis(1) < t(k)
u(k) = r_dis(1)*u_approx(2,3)*sqrt(zeta(c)/zeta(2*x_dis(1) - c - t(k)));
stem3 = stem(2*x_dis(1) - c - t(k), u(k), 'filled', 'k');
set(stem3, 'ShowBaseLine', 'off');
if x_dis(2) < t(k)
u(k) = (1 + r_dis(2))*(1 + r_dis(1))*u_approx(2,3)*sqrt(zeta(c)/zeta(c + t(k)));
stem4 = stem(t(k), u(k), 'filled', 'k');
set(stem4, 'ShowBaseLine', 'off');
if x_dis(2) < t(k) && t(k) < 2*x_dis(2) - x_dis(1)
u(k) = r_dis(2)*(1+r_dis(1))*sqrt(zeta(c)/zeta(2*x_dis(2) - c - t(k)));
stem5 = stem(2*x_dis(2) - c - t(k), u(k), 'filled', 'k');
set(stem5, 'ShowBaseLine', 'off');
plot3 = plot(x_dirac (abs(z) < 2), z (abs(z) < 2), 'k');
if 2*x_dis(2) - x_dis(1) < t(k) && t(k) < 3*x_dis(2) - 2*x_dis(1)
u(k) = -r_dis(1)*r_dis(2)*(1 + r_dis(1))*sqrt(zeta(c)/zeta(2*(x_dis(1) - x_dis(2)) + c + t(k)));
stem6 = stem(t(k) - 2*x_dis(2) + 2*x_dis(1), u(k), 'filled', 'k');
set(stem6, 'ShowBaseLine', 'off');
plot4 = plot(x_dirac (abs(z) < 2), z (abs(z) < 2), 'k');
if 2*x_dis(2) - x_dis(1) < t(k)
u(k) = r_dis(2)*(1-r_dis(1)^2)*u_approx(2,3)*sqrt(zeta(c)/zeta(2*x_dis(2) - c - t(k)));
stem7 = stem(2*x_dis(2) - t(k), u(k) , 'filled', 'k');
set(stem7, 'ShowBaseLine', 'off');
if 3*x_dis(2) - 2*x_dis(1) < t(k)
u(k) = -r_dis(1)*r_dis(2)*(1 + r_dis(1))*(1 + r_dis(2))*u_approx(2,3)*sqrt(zeta(c)/zeta(2*(x_dis(1) - x_dis(2)) + c + t(k)));
stem8 = stem(t(k) + 2*x_dis(1) - 2*x_dis(2), u(k) , 'filled', 'k');
set(stem8, 'ShowBaseLine', 'off');
if 3*x_dis(2) - 2*x_dis(1) < t(k) && t(k) < 4*x_dis(2) - 3*x_dis(1)
u(k) = -r_dis(1)*r_dis(2)^2*(1+r_dis(1))*sqrt(zeta(c)/zeta(4*x_dis(2) - 2*x_dis(1) - c - t(k)));
stem9 = stem(4*x_dis(2) - 2*x_dis(1) - t(k), u(k) , 'filled', 'k');
set(stem9, 'ShowBaseLine', 'off');
plot5 = plot(x_dirac (abs(z) < 2), z (abs(z) < 2), 'k');
if 4*x_dis(2) - 3*x_dis(1) < t(k)
u(k) = -r_dis(1)*r_dis(2)^2*(1 - r_dis(1)^2)*u_approx(2,3)*sqrt(zeta(c)/zeta(4*x_dis(2) - 2*x_dis(1) - c - t(k)));
stem10 = stem(4*x_dis(2) - 2*x_dis(1) - t(k), u(k), 'filled', 'k');
set(stem10, 'ShowBaseLine', 'off');
if 4*x_dis(2) - 3*x_dis(1) < t(k) && t(k) < 5*x_dis(2) - 4*x_dis(1)
u(k) = (r_dis(1)*r_dis(2))^2*(1+r_dis(1))*u_approx(2,3)*sqrt(zeta(c)/zeta(4*x_dis(1) - 4*x_dis(2) + c + t(k)));
stem11 = stem(t(k) + 4*x_dis(1) - 4*x_dis(2), u(k), 'filled', 'k');
set(stem11, 'ShowBaseLine', 'off');
plot6 = plot(x_dirac (abs(z) < .5), z (abs(z) < .5), 'k');
plot7 = plot(x_dirac(x_dirac > t(k)), 0*z(x_dirac > t(k)), 'k');
% plotting reflection
time = t(1:2:k);
reflection = reflectedwave(y(1:2:k));
plot8 = plot(time (abs(reflection) < 2), reflection (abs(reflection) < 2) - y_shift , 'b');
stem12 = stem(time (time == 2*dis(1) - 2*delta | time == 2*dis(2) - 2*delta), 2*delta*reflection (time == 2*dis(1) - 2*delta | time == 2*dis(2) - 2*delta) - y_shift, 'filled', 'b', 'ShowBaseLine', 'off');
set(stem12, 'BaseValue', -y_shift, 'ShowBaseLine', 'off');
legend(sprintf('t = %.6f', t(k)));
grid on
xlim([c d]);
ylim([-2 2]);
hold off

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