How to Generate Randomized Data Set with Given Mean/Median/Standard Deviation

29 views (last 30 days)
Need to generate a data set thats randomIZED but not completely random with the following criteria:
Mean: 55.4
Median: 54.8
Standard Deviation: 10
I appreciate any help I can get!
Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong on 4 Dec 2020
Edited: Bruno Luong on 4 Dec 2020
It's not "much harder".
Sorry but such request just does look any pratical sense statistically, and usually asked by person who does not really know about random process and distribution.
Still this is a code, try to make use it if you can, good luck.
meantarget = 55.4;
mediantarget = 54.8;
starget = 10;
n = 100;
midp = 500/n;
xmid = midp*randn(1,n-2);
xmid = xmid-median(xmid);
m = meantarget-mediantarget;
s = sum(xmid);
s2 = sum(xmid.^2);
b = (m*n-s);
c = (b^2+s2-n*(m^2+starget^2))/2;
delta = b^2-4*c;
if delta < 0
error('reduce midp')
xhi = (b+sqrt(delta))/2;
xlo = b-xhi;
x = mediantarget+[xlo xmid xhi];
medianx = median(x)
meanx = mean(x)
stdx = std(x,1)
Jeff Miller
Jeff Miller on 4 Dec 2020
Very clever, Bruno. I didn't think of generating n-2 scores and computing the last 2. I guess I should have said, "much harder for me".

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Answers (1)

Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong on 3 Dec 2020
Edited: Bruno Luong on 3 Dec 2020
There is infinity of random variables with the same mean/median/standard deviation
Here is one that meet what you ask (three discrete values).
meantarget = 55.4;
mediantarget = 54.8;
starget = 10;
pm = 0.1;
pout = (1-pm)/2;
p = [pout pm pout];
dmx = meantarget-mediantarget;
v = starget^2;
a = dmx;
b = v+dmx^2;
delta = 2*b/pout-a^2/pout^2;
xhi = (a/pout+sqrt(delta))/2;
xlo = a/pout-xhi;
x3 = mediantarget + [xlo 0 xhi];
c = cumsum(p);
c = c/c(end);
n = 1e6;
x = rand(1,n);
[~,i] = histc(x, [0 c]);
x = x3(i);
meanx = mean(x)
medianx = median(x)
stdx = std(x)

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