time series for nutrient data

2 views (last 30 days)
I need help plotting a time series for the Nitrate+Nitrite and then a second for Phosphate but I'm unsure on how to go about it.
The day/month of collection is also on there.
I need to see if wind stress has an impact on how nutrinets move through the water column so plotting a series over the days in June would be ideal.
I'm not to sure if I'd need to take an average of each Nutrient collection for one CTD cast or?

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 5 Dec 2020
Edited: Star Strider on 5 Dec 2020
Try this:
T1 = readtable('emily bristow D352_CTD_NUTRIENTS.xlsx', 'VariableNamingRule','preserve');
T2 = T1(:,16);
DayLabels = T2{~ismissing(T2),:};
UniqueDayLabels = unique(DayLabels);
T2 = fillmissing(T2, 'previous', 'DataVariables',{('Data Collected')});
T1.('Data Collected') = T2;
DayGrps = findgroups(T1.('Data Collected'));
MeanNO2NO3 = splitapply(@nanmean,T1.('Nitrate + Nitrite (μM)'),DayGrps);
NutrientByDate = table(UniqueDayLabels, MeanNO2NO3, 'VariableNames',{'Data Collected','Mean Nitrate + Nitrite (μM)'})
DayNr = regexp(NutrientByDate{:,1},'\d*','match');
[~,NutrientByDateSortedIdx] = sort(str2double([DayNr{:}]));
NuO2NO3ByDateSorted = NutrientByDate(NutrientByDateSortedIdx,:)
NutrientByDate =
15×2 table
Data Collected Mean Nitrate + Nitrite (μM)
______________ ___________________________
{'10th June'} 6.4595
{'11th June'} 5.0186
{'12th June'} 6.1182
{'13th June'} 4.7663
{'16th June'} 4.2824
{'17th June'} 4.079
{'19th June'} 3.945
{'20th June'} 6.9626
{'3rd June' } 0.20307
{'4th June' } 4.2168
{'5th June' } 5.9074
{'6th June' } 6.3682
{'7th June' } 6.0618
{'8th June' } 6.3556
{'9th June' } 5.4644
Sorting them takes a bit more effort:
DayNr = regexp(NutrientByDate{:,1},'\d*','match');
[~,NutrientByDateSortedIdx] = sort(str2double([DayNr{:}]));
NutrientByDateSorted = NutrientByDate(NutrientByDateSortedIdx,:)
NutrientByDateSorted =
15×2 table
Data Collected Mean Nitrate + Nitrite (μM)
______________ ___________________________
{'3rd June' } 0.20307
{'4th June' } 4.2168
{'5th June' } 5.9074
{'6th June' } 6.3682
{'7th June' } 6.0618
{'8th June' } 6.3556
{'9th June' } 5.4644
{'10th June'} 6.4595
{'11th June'} 5.0186
{'12th June'} 6.1182
{'13th June'} 4.7663
{'16th June'} 4.2824
{'17th June'} 4.079
{'19th June'} 3.945
{'20th June'} 6.9626
Doing Phosphate separately:
T2 = T1(:,16);
DayLabels = T2{~ismissing(T2),:};
UniqueDayLabels = unique(DayLabels);
T2 = fillmissing(T2, 'previous', 'DataVariables',{('Data Collected')});
T1.('Data Collected') = T2;
DayGrps = findgroups(T1.('Data Collected'));
MeanPO4 = splitapply(@nanmean,T1.('phosphate (μM)'),DayGrps);
PhosphateByDate = table(UniqueDayLabels, MeanPO4, 'VariableNames',{'Data Collected','Mean phosphate (μM)'})
DayNr = regexp(PhosphateByDate{:,1},'\d*','match');
[DayNrSorted,PhospahteByDateSortedIdx] = sort(str2double([DayNr{:}]));
PhosphateByDateSorted = PhosphateByDate(PhospahteByDateSortedIdx,:)
NutrientByDateSorted =
15×2 table
Data Collected Mean phosphate (μM)
______________ ____________________
{'3rd June' } 0.10776
{'4th June' } 0.36712
{'5th June' } NaN
{'6th June' } 0.4977
{'7th June' } 0.50817
{'8th June' } 0.48635
{'9th June' } 0.4276
{'10th June'} 0.44522
{'11th June'} 0.36299
{'12th June'} 0.42828
{'13th June'} 0.35977
{'16th June'} 0.35638
{'17th June'} 0.3191
{'19th June'} 0.2708
{'20th June'} 0.45897
And putting it all together:
DateVar = compose('%2d June', DayNrSorted);
NO2No3PO4 = table(datetime(DateVar(:), 'InputFormat','dd MMMM', 'Format','dd MMMM'), NuO2NO3ByDateSorted{:,2}, PhosphateByDateSorted{:,2}, 'VariableNames',{'Data Collected','Nitrate + Nitrite (μM)','Mean phosphate (μM)'})
VarNames = NO2No3PO4.Properties.VariableNames;
plot(NO2No3PO4{:,1}, NO2No3PO4{:,2:3})
legend(VarNames{[2 3]}, 'Location','E')
set(gca, 'XTickLabelRotation',60)
with the plot:
This is definitely not a trivial problem!
EDIT — (5 Dec 2020 at 20:08)
Added consolidated table ‘NO2No3PO4’ and plot figure.
emily bristow
emily bristow on 5 Dec 2020
That's perfect, thank you so much!
Star Strider
Star Strider on 5 Dec 2020
As always, my pleasure!

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