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Undefined function or variable 'getCurrentTime'.

2 views (last 30 days)
I get an error: "Undefined function or variable 'getCurrentTime'." while using getCurrentTime function in the MATLAB System Block in Simulink. I tried to invoke the function in the command window. It throws the same error
The code is embedded below:
function y = stepImpl(obj, in)
v = interp1(obj.clk, obj.usage, getCurrentTime(obj));
obj.vol = obj.vol + in - v;
y = obj.vol/(pi * obj.r^2);
getCurrentTime is a function that should return the current simulation time in MATLAB System Block
The error I get is the following
  1 Comment
Edwin Joy
Edwin Joy on 3 Jan 2021
Is getCurrentTime a global function? Or does it belong to a class? If, so which one?

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