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Real time plot configuration

1 view (last 30 days)
Alejandro Fernández
Alejandro Fernández on 10 Feb 2021
Commented: Adam Danz on 12 Jun 2021
Hello, good morning. I would like to know if it is possible to recreate something like the gif I attached with matlab.
This example was made with Python, matplotlib and PyQt5 by K. Mulier.
What I would like to know is, assuming that you have the data you could represent the historical data in a certain period of time in blue color and the 10 most recent (for example) as shown in red on the original.
Thank you very much.
I also attach the .py file in case it is of interest.
Alejandro Fernández
Alejandro Fernández on 10 Feb 2021
Thanks for your help but it is nothing like what I am looking for. I am looking to create a figure that looks like that.
Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 12 Jun 2021
The question can be interpreted as asking how to make a GIF, " possible to recreate something like the gif".
Here are resources how to animate a line,

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