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how to make gui for an standalone executable file

2 views (last 30 days)
hi i have made an matlab executable file which takes in 4 parameters-gender, age, weight& height and returns the nutrition analysis of the person.
i am supposed to make a GUI for the above task and also output graphs which tells how far the person is from healthy weight and height values.
how do i utilize the m files to create the gui?
i am a beginner with absolutely no idea.
how do i go about this task

Answers (3)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 20 May 2013

yeshwanth manhcuri
yeshwanth manhcuri on 21 May 2013
have a eye over UI handling in help....u can design in GUIDE....just use the simple syntam like "get,set,axes,"know how to use the property inspector ....i can make the gui for u.....if needed....have a look at the words i have reffered in the marks...

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 21 May 2013
Have a look at MAGIC: Just plug your code in to the button callback.


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