Number of grid points inside circle

29 views (last 30 days)
I have my radius being between 1 and 10 and my angle from 0 to 2pi. I defined an uniform rectangular grid with 10 points (10 by 10) and I want to find how many points fall into the circle. This is my code but when I run it I do not get the figure that I want. Thanks a lot.
a=0:0.01:2*pi; %angle
r = 10; % radius
xv = r*cos(a); % cartesian x coordinate
yv = r*sin(a); % cartesian y coordinate
in = inpolygon(xq,yq,xv,yv);
plot(xv,yv) % circle
axis equal
hold on
plot(xq(in),yq(in),'r+') % points inside
plot(xq(~in),yq(~in),'bo') % points outside
hold off
  1 Comment
Star Strider
Star Strider on 30 Apr 2021
The code you posted —
a=0:0.01:2*pi; %angle
r = 10; % radius
xv = r*cos(a); % cartesian x coordinate
yv = r*sin(a); % cartesian y coordinate
in = inpolygon(xq,yq,xv,yv);
plot(xv,yv) % circle
axis equal
hold on
plot(xq(in),yq(in),'r+') % points inside
plot(xq(~in),yq(~in),'bo') % points outside
hold off
The code I posted previously in Find all the grid points that are inside of the circle does this differently —
r = 1:10;
% r = pi*[1:3];
a = linspace(0, 2*pi);
x = r(:)*cos(a)+5.5;
y = r(:)*sin(a)+5.5;
[Xg,Yg] = ndgrid(1:numel(r));
Xv = Xg(:);
Yv = Yg(:);
for k = 1:size(Xg,1)
[incirc(:,k),oncirc(:,k)] = inpolygon(Xv,Yv,x(k,:),y(k,:));
circtot = [nnz(incirc) nnz(oncirc)]
circtot = 1×2
676 0
CircleRad = 3;
hp{1} = plot(x.', y.', '--b');
hold on
hp{2} = plot(Xv, Yv, '.k');
hp{3} = plot(Xv(incirc(:,CircleRad)), Yv(incirc(:,CircleRad)), 'or');
hp{4} = plot(Xv(oncirc(:,CircleRad)), Yv(oncirc(:,CircleRad)), 'og');
hold off
text(cosd(30)*r+5.5, sind(30)*r+5.5,compose('$%d$',r), 'Horiz','center','Vert','middle', 'Interpreter','latex')
legend([hp{1}(1),hp{2}(1),hp{3}(1)],'Circles', 'Grid', sprintf('In Circle r = %d (N = %d)', CircleRad, nnz(incirc(:,CircleRad))), sprintf('On Circle r = %d (N = %d)', CircleRad, nnz(oncirc(:,CircleRad))), 'Location','best')
Warning: Ignoring extra legend entries.
Is there a problem with what it does?

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Accepted Answer

Scott MacKenzie
Scott MacKenzie on 30 Apr 2021
Edited: Scott MacKenzie on 5 May 2021
I only changed the 1st two lines. Is this what you are looking for?
xq = repmat(-10:10,21,1);
yq = xq';
a = 0:0.01:2*pi; % angle
r = 10; % radius
xv = r*cos(a); % cartesian x coordinate
yv = r*sin(a); % cartesian y coordinate
in = inpolygon(xq,yq,xv,yv);
plot(xv,yv) % circle
axis([-11 11 -11 11]);
hold on
plot(xq(in),yq(in),'r+') % points inside
plot(xq(~in),yq(~in),'bo') % points outside
hold off
Scott MacKenzie
Scott MacKenzie on 5 May 2021
Edited: Scott MacKenzie on 5 May 2021
Marina: Oops, that was my mistake. I just corrected the solution. I changed the first line from
xq = repmat(-10:10,10,1); % Oops. Wrong number of repetitions of the vector
xq = repmat(-10:10,21,1); % 21 repetitions needed!
Marina Markaki
Marina Markaki on 5 May 2021
I just wrote xq = repmat(-10:10,100) and I got exactly the figure that I wanted. Thank you a lot for your help.

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