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Ying Jie Tan

Would like to know what is this symbol and its function

Ying Jie Tan on 26 Oct 2023 (Edited on 26 Oct 2023)
Latest activity Edit by Ying Jie Tan on 26 Oct 2023

Good day community, can I know what is this symbol could be? It looks like a ramp/ continuous ramp. But I believe it is not both them. I saw someone connect it after a voltage/ current measurement. Can I know what is the function of this symbol too? Much appreciate for the answers given

Kilsu Kim
Kilsu Kim on 26 Oct 2023
It looks like "Saturation" block but the direction of the block is opposite.
Ying Jie Tan
Ying Jie Tan on 26 Oct 2023 (Edited on 26 Oct 2023)

I've think about this before, but if Im not mistaken, the saturation block came with the y and x axis too right? Or we can hide that axes to become like the block I've attached above?

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