
Error C MEX S-function

Engineer on 30 Nov 2023
Latest activity Reply by Anusha Sridharan on 11 Dec 2023

Hello there, I have a Amesim Black box model in Simulink. On my desktop, it works well. Also i tried to run on other desktops. Most of them work well. But some of them gives following error: Error in 'Model' while executing C MEX S-function 'Model', (mdlInitializeConditions), at time 0.0. Caused by: in Simcenter Amesim mexfunction: 'Model', Simcenter Amesim fatal error Cannot initialize Simcenter Amesim Model. EXIT This is an urgent case for me. Could you please help me?

Thank you so much.

Anusha Sridharan
Anusha Sridharan on 11 Dec 2023
Hi @Engineer, we have moved your question to MATLAB Answers, where a wider support audience is available to help you:


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