DSDA (Discrete-Time Sliding Mode Control)

Version 1.0.0 (51.5 KB) by Eries erik
Discrete-Time Sliding Mode Control with Disturbance Compensation & Auxiliary state
Updated 17 Apr 2022


This is a simple example of Discrete-Time Sliding Mode Control with Disturbance Compensation and Auxiliary state.

How to Run the Example

Please follow the steps below to open the example code:

  1. Open Project.prj
  2. Open main/main_DSDA.m
  3. Run the file

If can't open Project.prj follow the steps below to create a new project:

  1. Delete Project.prj file and resources folder
  2. Set MATLAB's current folder at repo folder
  3. Click New -> Project -> From folder
  4. Click Create
  5. Add subFuntion to the project path by right-clicking -> Project Path -> Add to the Prject Path (Including Subfolders)

If don't want to use Project.prj to manage files, follow the steps below:

  1. Open main without project/main_DSDA.m
  2. Run the file
  3. If MATLAB popup a dialog window. Select Change Folder instead of Add to Path


[1] Ji-Seok Han, Tae-Il Kim, Tae-Ho Oh, Sang-Hoon Lee and Dong-Il “Dan” Cho, "Effective Disturbance Compensation Method Under Control Saturation in Discrete-Time Sliding Mode Control," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 67, no. 7, pp. 5696-5707, July 2020, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2019.2931213.

[2] Yongsoon Eun, Jung-Ho Kim, Kwangsoo Kim, Dong-Il Cho "Discrete-time variable structure controller with a decoupled disturbance compensator and its application to a CNC servomechanism." IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 7.4 (1999): 414-423.

Cite As

Eries erik (2025). DSDA (Discrete-Time Sliding Mode Control) (https://github.com/Eremes1641/DSDA_MATLAB/releases/tag/v1.0.0), GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2022a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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simulation/sliding mode control/Dong-il Dan Cho



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