Generic Deep Autoencoder for Time-Series

This toolbox enables the simple implementation of different deep autoencoder. The primary focus is on multi-channel time-series analysis.
Updated 10 Apr 2024
This toolbox enables the simple implementation of different deep autoencoder. The primary focus is on multi-channel time-series analysis.
Each autoencoder consists of two, possibly deep, neural networks - the encoder and the decoder.
The following layers can be combined and stacked to form the neural networks which form the encoder and decoder:
- LSTM (Long-short term memory layers),
- Bi-LSTM (Bi-directional long-short term memory layers),
- FC with ReLU (Fully connected layers followed by a rectified linear unit).
There are two types of autoencoders available:
- AE (autoencoder)
- VAE (variational autoencoder)
The autoencoders can be easily parametrized using hyperparameters.
This code can also be considered as supplemental Material to the Paper:
"Hybrid Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection in Industrial {Time-Series}
Measurement Data"
by: Anika Terbuch, Paul O'Leary and Peter Auer
Mai 2022
This paper presents a parallel hybrid machine learning system for the
identification of anomalies in large sets of multivariate time-series
(MVTS) measurement data. The goal is to achieve a more reliable detection
of anomalies in safety relevant applications. Key performance indicators
(KPI) are used as a measure for predicted possible sources of error.
Whereas, a long short term memory variational autoencoder (LSTM-VAE) is
used to implement a data-driven model for the system behavior. Combined in
a parallel hybrid manner they provide a more reliable anomaly detection.
The proposed structure is validated with a case study relating to a ground
improvement process for building foundations. The data consists of large
sets of real-time multi-variate time-series sensor data, emanating from the
instrumented drilling rig. The performance of the LSTM-VAE is optimized
using a genetic algorithm to select the optimal values for the
hyperparameters. The implemented framework will also support future
research into hybrid learning systems applied to real-time machine data
cite as:
AUTHOR="Anika Terbuch and Paul O'Leary and Peter Auer",
TITLE="Hybrid Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection in Industrial {Time-Series}
Measurement Data",
BOOKTITLE="2022 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology
Conference (I2MTC) (I2MTC 2022)",
ADDRESS="Ottawa, Canada",
The toolbox includes the following two classes:
1) AutoencoderDeep: generic framework for creating autoencoders suitable for multivariate time-series data
2) HyperparametersAED: the class used to parametrize objects of the class AutoencoderDeep.
For easier and more convinient use the classes are wrapped into functions:
The following functions are provided:
-trainAutoencoderDeep: trains an autoencoder using the data provided.
-predictAutoencoderDeep: returns an prediction of the autoencoder passed to the function on the data provided to the function.
ad 1) The class AutoencoderDeep contains the following functions:
- decodingAED: decodes the latent representation back into the original domain.
- ELBOloss: calculates the Evidence Lower Bound (ELBO) of given data, given
latent encoding and the weighting factor of the two terms of the loss function.
- encodingAED: performs an encoding into the latent space of a trained
AutoencoderDeep on the samples provided to the function.
- gradientsRecErr: loss function of the AE - minimize the reconstruction loss
evaluates the encoder and decoder on the passed data and calculates
the gradients of the learnable parameters of the network.
- gradientsRecErrAndKL: loss function of the VAE - maximize the evidence lower bound
evaluates the encoder and decoder on the passed data and calculates
the gradients of the learnables of the network.
- layerArray2dlnetwork: converts a layer array to a dl-network.
- reconstructionAED: performs the reoncustriction (encoding followed by decoding) on the
given data with a trained AutoencodeDeep.
- reconstructionErrorPerSampleAEDvariableLength: given the reconstructed signal and the
real signal the reconstruction error (1-
norm) normalized by the varying length
of the time series is calculated.
- samplingVAE: performs the encoding into the latent space followed by the
reparametrization trick used in the calculation of latent
representations when using VAEs.
-setUpAndTrainAED: creates the encoder and decoder networks and trains them accoding
to the properties specified in the hyperparameter struct.
-setUpDecoderAED: sets up a neural network that forms the decoder of the network with the
layer-types and number of neurons specified in the hyperparameter
-setUpEncoderAED: sets up a neural network that forms the encoder of the network with
the layer-types and number of neurons specified in the
hyperparameter struct.
-setUpEncoderDecoderAED: function calls to functions used for setting up the encoder and
decoder networks.
-squaredReconstructionErrorPerSampleAEDvariableLength: given the reconstructed signal and
the real signal the reconstruction
error (2-norm) normalized by the
varying length of the time series is
-trainingLoopAED: training loop for training the encoder and decoder simultaneously
based on ADAM, training can be performed using CPU-units or GPU-
-varSeqLen2dlarray: creates mini-batches of dl-arrays with minimum resampling.
ad 2) The class HyperparametersAED contains the following functions:
-setDefaultHyperparametersAED: initializes the parameters to default values at instantiation of an object
-setHyperparametersAED: can be used to change the hyperparameters of the AutoencoderDeep by
passing the hyperaramter names to change and their values
('name value pairs') to this function.
This derived class is tailored to handle data shown in and
The following impelementation was created using Matlab 2022a and 2022b.

Cite As

@INPROCEEDINGS{Terb2205:Hybrid, AUTHOR="Anika Terbuch and Paul O'Leary and Peter Auer", TITLE="Hybrid Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection in Industrial {Time-Series} Measurement Data", BOOKTITLE="2022 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) (I2MTC 2022)", ADDRESS="Ottawa, Canada", DAYS=16, MONTH=may, YEAR=2022, KEYWORDS="Hybrid Learning; Outlier Detection; Time Series", ABSTRACT="This paper presents a parallel hybrid machine learning system for the identification of anomalies in large sets of multivariate time-series (MVTS) measurement data. The goal is to achieve a more reliable detection of anomalies in safety relevant applications. Key performance indicators (KPI) are used as a measure for predicted possible sources of error. Whereas, a long short term memory variational autoencoder (LSTM-VAE) is used to implement a data-driven model for the system behavior. Combined in a parallel hybrid manner they provide a more reliable anomaly detection. The proposed structure is validated with a case study relating to a ground improvement process for building foundations. The data consists of large sets of real-time multi-variate time-series sensor data, emanating from the instrumented drilling rig. The performance of the LSTM-VAE is optimized using a genetic algorithm to select the optimal values for the hyperparameters. The implemented framework will also support future research into hybrid learning systems applied to real-time machine data analysis." }

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2022a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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Version Published Release Notes

See release notes for this release on GitHub:


The toolbox was rewritten to be more user friendly; no implementation of abstract classes required anymore, more examples and documentation was added.


Updated Description and Example


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To view or report issues in this GitHub add-on, visit the GitHub Repository.