Analysis of FxLMS based Spline Adaptive Filtering Algorithm

The SAF consists of a linear network of adaptive weights in cascade with an adaptive nonlinear network. now we will discuss Hammerstein.
Updated 12 May 2022
In this code, we will identify a nonlinear system using the most recent adaptive Spline filter based filter. These type of filters belong to a class of linear-in-the-parameters nonlinear adaptive filters.
Refer the Notes from
Shivendra Nandan, “Concept of Adaptive Filtering & Spline Adaptive Filtering Algorithm,” DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17453.97767
In which, using Spline filter codes, in this experiment, we have used this filter in a nonlinear system identification scenario, where the nonlinearity is introduced by the some source. For more details, please refer to the technical report. All the parameters used in this code are in coordinance with the parameters used in the above example.
The code is nicely scripted. Hope this helps!!!!!
A spline adaptive filter (SAF) based nonlinear active noise control (ANC) system is proposed in this paper. The SAF consists of a linear network of adaptive weights in cascade with an adaptive nonlinear network. The nonlinear network, in-turn consists of an adaptive look-up table followed by a spline interpolation network and forms an adaptive activation function. An update rule has been derived for the proposed ANC system, which not only updates the weights of the linear network, but also updates the nature of the activation function. Linear Network is based on improvement in FxLMS algorithm. FxLMS algorithm is used because it is computationally simple like the most commonly used Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm. In addition, it includes secondary path effects. To make the FxLMS algorithm more effective, the secondary path estimation should be more precise and accurate. The nonlinear function involved in the adaptation process is based on a spline function that can be modified during learning. The spline control points are adaptively changed using gradient-based techniques. B-splines and Catmull-Rom splines are used, because they allow to impose simple constraints on control parameters. This new kind of adaptive function is then applied to the output of a linear adaptive filter and it is used for the identification of Wiener-type nonlinear systems. In addition, we derive a simple form of the adaptation algorithm and an upper bound on the choice of the step-size. An extensive simulation study has been conducted to evaluate the noise mitigation performance of the proposed scheme and the new method has been shown to provide improved noise cancellation efficiency with a lesser computational load in comparison with other popular ANC systems.
%***********************Code 1 ******************************************
% This function evaluates the output of spline nonlinearity
% s is the nonlinearity input s[n]
% af is the nonlinearity structure
% x is the nonlinearity output x[n]
function [ x, af] = ActFunc( s, af)
af.s = s; % Input of the n o n l i n e a r i t y
switch ( af. aftype)
case -1 % Signed Sigmoidal
x = (2*af.Gain/(1+exp(-s*af.Slope))-af.Gain) ;
case 0 % Linear
x = s*af.Slope; % Defaut value
case 1 % Unsigned Sigmoidal
x = af.Gain/(1+exp(-s*af.Slope)) ;
case 2 % Gaussian
x = af.Gain*exp(-s^2/af.Slope ) ;
case 3 % Polynomial
x = 0 ;
for j=1:af.Pord
x = x + af.Q(j)*s.^j; % Sum of monomials
af.g(j) = s.^j;
case 20 % Quadratic s p l i n e
np = af.lut_len; % Number of c o n t r o l points
Su = s/af.DeltaX + ( np-1)/2; % F i r s t part of Eq . ( 7 . b )
uIndex = floor(Su) ; % Span index i in Eq . ( 7 . b )
u = Su - uIndex; % Local a b s c i s s a u in Eq . ( 7 . a )
if uIndex<1 % The index must s t a r t from 1
uIndex = 1 ;
if uIndex>(np-2)
uIndex = np - 2 ; % The index cannot exceed np - 2
af.g = [1 u u^2]*af.C; % F i r s t part of Eq . ( 5 ) : u^T C
x = af.g*af.Q(uIndex : uIndex+2) ; % Eq . ( 5 ) : u^T C q_i
af.uIndex = uIndex; % For d e r i v a t i v e computation
af.uSpline = u; % For d e r i v a t i v e computation
otherwise % Cubic s p l i n e
np = af.lut_len; % Number of c o n t r o l points
Su = s/af.DeltaX + ( np-1)/2; % F i r s t part of Eq . ( 7 . b )
uIndex = floor(Su); % Span index i in Eq . ( 7 . b )
u = Su - uIndex; % Local a b s c i s s a u in Eq . ( 7 . a )
if uIndex<1 % The index must s t a r t from 1
uIndex = 1 ;
if uIndex>(np-3) % The index cannot exceed np - 3
uIndex = np - 3;
af.g = [u^3 u^2 u 1]*af.C; % F i r s t part of Eq . ( 5 ) : u^T C
x = af.g*af.Q(uIndex : uIndex+3); % Eq . ( 5 ) : u^T C q_i
af.uIndex = uIndex; % For d e r i v a t i v e computation
af.uSpline = u; % For d e r i v a t i v e computation
%***********************Code 2 ******************************************
% This function implements the adaptation of a Hammerstein SAF (HSAF) structure by using the LMS adaptive algorithm
% Where
% F is the adaptive -lter structure;
% x is the input signal sample x[n];
% d is the desired signal sample d[n];
% y is the output signal sample y[n];
% e is the error signal sample e[n].
function [F,y,e] = AF_LMS_HSPL_F(F,x,d)
M = F.M; % Length of the l i n e a r f i l t e r
F.xw(2:M) = F.xw(1:M-1) ; % S h i f t the input delay-l i n e
[F.xw(1),] = ActFunc(x,; % Load a new input i n t o the delay line
for j=2:M % Constructing the matrix U
if ==,:) =,:);
else,:) = zeros(1,4);
end,:) =; % Load a new vector in matrix U =; =;
y = F.xw.'*F.w; % F i l t e r output
e = d - y; % Error estimation
% LMS weights and c o n t r o l points update ---------------------------------
F.w = F.w +*F.xw.*e; % LMS in Eq . ( 1 0 )
if > 1 % Kind a c t . f . -1 0 1 2 4 5 *
e_av = F.mQ*e;
ii = +; % P = Spline order = + e_av*( F.w'*'; % LMS in Eq . ( 1 1 )
%***********************Code 3 ******************************************
% This function creates and initializes nonlinear function implemented by splines
% where:
% AF is the spline nonlinear structure;
% a-nit is the type of initialization (linear, Gaussian, random,...). In particular:
% -1: signed sigmoid;
% 0: linear function;
% 1: unsigned sigmoid;
% 2: Gaussian;
% 3: random.
% aftype is the type of spline basis (B, Catmull-Rom, Hermite,...). In particular:
% -1: -xed signed sigmoid;
% 0: -xed linear function;
% 1: -xed unsigned sigmoid;
% 2: -xed Gaussian;
% 3: fexible polynomial function;
% 4: fexible Catmull-Rom spline;
% 5: fexible B-spline;
% 6: -exible Bernstein spline;
% 7: -exible parametric --spline;
% 8: -exible Hermite spline;
% 9: -exible Beziér spline;
% 20: -exible quadratic B-spline.
% DeltaX is the space between knots -x;
% Gain is the x-axis range limits;
% Slope is the initial slope;
% M is the length of the linear -lter M;
% Pord is the polynomial order in case of polynomial nonlinearity Pord
function AF = create_activation_function( afinit, aftype, DeltaX, Gain,Slope, M, Pord)
% Spline a c t i v a t i o n function d e f i n i t i o n and i n i t i a l i z a t i o n --------------
if nargin==0 , help create_activation_function; return;end
if nargin < 7
Pord = 3 ;
if nargin <6
if nargin <5
Slope= 2.16 ;
if nargin <4
Gain= 1.1 ;
if nargin <3
DeltaX= 0.4 ;
if nargin <2
if nargin <1
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Check fo n o n l i n e a r i t y type
if afinit == -1
Slope = Slope*2*(1/Gain);
if afinit == 1
Slope = Slope*4*(1/Gain);
if (( afinit<-1) || ( afinit>3))
fprintf(' Activation function error type\n ');
aftype = -1;
% LUT parameters --------------------------------------------------------
Table_Length = G1_TabFuncLen(DeltaX,Gain,Slope,afinit);
lut_len = Table_Length; % Length of LUT
s = 0.0; % Linear combiner output
x = 0.0; % Nonlinearity output
uIndex = 1 ; % Span index
uSpline = 0 ; % Local a b s c i s s a
% Polynomial n o n l i n e a r i t y -----------------------------------------------
if (aftype == 3)
Q = zeros(Pord,1); % Polynomial n o n l i n e a r i t y
Q(1) = 1 ;
g = zeros(1,Pord); % Dot u vector
gM = zeros(Pord,M); % U matrix ( f o r Hammerstein f i l t e r ) in [ 2 ]
Q = zeros(lut_len,1) ; % Look-Up Table n o n l i n e a r i t y
% I f NOT s p l i n e ---------------------------------------------------------
if (aftype < 4)
C = 0 ;
% Catmul-Rom s p l i n e n o n l l i n e a r i t y ---------------------------------------
if (aftype == 4)
C = 0.5*[-1 3 -3 1 ;
2 -5 4 -1;
-1 0 1 0; % Page 775 , top of column 1
0 2 0 0];
% B s p l i n e n o n l l i n e a r i t y ------------------------------------------------
if (aftype == 5)
C = (1/6)*[-1 3 -3 1;
3 -6 3 0; % Page 774 , bottom of column 2
-3 0 3 0;
1 4 1 0 ];
% Bernstein polynomial n o n l i n e a r i t y -------------------------------------
if (aftype == 6)
C = [-1 3 -3 1;
3 -6 3 0; % Bernstein polynomials
-3 3 0 0;
1 0 0 0];
% Parametric s p l i n e n o n l i n e a r i t y ----------------------------------------
if (aftype == 7)
tau = 0.5; % tau = 0 . 5 ==> CR-s p l i n e
C = [-tau 2-tau tau-2 tau;
2*tau tau-3 3-2*tau -tau; % Parametric s p l i n e
-tau 0 tau 0;
0 1 0 0];
% Hermite s p l i n e n o n l i n e a r i t y -------------------------------------------
if (aftype == 8)
C = [2 -2 1 1;
-3 3 -2 -1; % Hermite polynomials
0 0 1 0;
1 0 0 0];
% Bezier spline no n l l i n e a r i t y
if (aftype == 9)
C = (1/6)*[1 3 -3 1;
3 -6 3 0; % Bezier polynomials
-3 3 0 0;
1 0 0 0];
% Quadratic B-s p l i n e n o n l i n e a r i t y ---------------------------------------
if (aftype == 20)
C = [ 1 1 0;
-2 2 0;
1 -2 1];
% Spline order
P = length(C) - 1 ;
% Dummy arrays f o r l ea r n ing algorithms . See Eqs . ( 5 ) and ( 6 ) ------------
if (aftype > 3)
g = zeros(1,P+1); % The dot u vector
gM = zeros(M,P+1); % The U matrix ( f o r Hammerstein SAF) in [ 2 ]
indexes = ones(M,1);
AF = struct('aftype',aftype,'afinit',afinit,'s',s,'x',x,'Q',Q,'lut_len',lut_len,'uIndex',uIndex,'uSpline',uSpline,'Slope',Slope,'Gain',Gain,'DeltaX',DeltaX,'P',P,'Pord',Pord,'C',C,'g',g,'gM',gM,'indexes',indexes);
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% For s p l i n e i n t e r p o l a t i o n ----------------------------------------------
if ( aftype>1 && aftype ~= 3)
LutSlope = (Table_Length - 1)/2.0; % New slope
X = -LutSlope*DeltaX;
for j=1 : Table_Length % Table_Length
AF.Q( j) = G1_FUNC( X, Gain, Slope, afinit) ;
X = X + DeltaX;
%***********************Code 4 ******************************************
% This function creates and initializes the structure implementing a WSAF architecture and adapted by the LMS adaptive algorithm.
% Where
% lms_af is the adaptive -lter structure;
% M is the length of the linear -lter M;
% mu is the step-size of the linear -lter µ;
% mQ is the step-size of the nonlinearity µQ;
% delta is the regularization parameter -;
% af is the spline nonlinearity structure.
function lms_af = create_SPL_lms_adaptive_filter_1( M, mu, mQ, delta, af)
% LMS SAF adaptive f i l t e r d e f i n i t i o n and i n i t i a l i z a t i o n -----------------
w = zeros(M,1); % Linear f i l t e r taps
w(floor(M/2)) = 1 ; % Adaptive f i l t e r weights i . c .
dI = delta; % Regularizing parameter
xd = zeros(M,1) ; % Buffer of the desired s i g n a l
xw = zeros(M,1) ; % Buffer of the f i l t e r s t a t u s
lms_af = struct('M',M,'mu',mu,'mQ',mQ,'dI',dI,'w',w,'xd',xd,'xw',xw,'af',af);
%***********************Code 5 ******************************************
% This function evaluates the output of a Hammerstein nonlinear structure implemented by a HSAF architecture
% where
% F is the adaptive -lter structure;
% x is the input signal sample x[n];
% y is the output signal sample y[n];
% s is the linear combiner input array sn.
function [F,y,s] = FW_HSPL_F(F,x)
M = F.M; % Length of the l i n e a r f i l t e r
F.xw(2:M) = F.xw(1:M-1) ; % S h i f t of the input delay-l i n e
F.xw(1) = x; % Load a new input i n t o the delay-l i n e
s = zeros (M,1); % Linear combiner input array
for i=1:M
[s(i),] = ActFunc(F.xw(i),; % Evaluating the n o n l i n e a r i t y output
y = s'.*F.w; % F i l t e r output
%***********************Code 6 ******************************************
% Nonlinear Function Implementation
function value = G1_FUNC( X, G, S, ty)
switch ty
case -1
value = 2*G/(1+exp(-X*S)) - G; % Signed Sigmoid
case 0
value = X*S; % Linear
case 1
value = G/(1+exp(-X*S)); % Unsigned Sigmoidal
case 2
value = G* exp(-(X*X)/5.0) ; % Gaussian
case 3
value = 2*G*(rand - 0.5); % Random
value = 0 ;
%***********************Code 7 ******************************************
% For Calculation of Table Length
function Table_Length = G1_TabFuncLen( DX, G, S, ty)
ii = 0 ;
X = 0 ;
if (ty~=2 && ty~=3)
F = 0.0 ;
crtGain = G - 0.005*G; % Max a t c func value ---------------------
while ( F<crtGain)
F = G1_FUNC( X, G, S, ty) ;
X = X + DX;
ii = ii + 1 ;
elseif (ty==3)
ii = 11 ;
crtGain = 0.005*G; % Gaussian
F = G;
while ( F>crtGain )
ii = ii + 1 ;
F = FUNC( X, G, S, ty) ;
X = X + DX;
Table_Length = ii*2 + 1; % always odd
%***********************Code 8 ******************************************
% Main File of Hammerstein Spline Adaptive Filter (HSAF)
% Implements a convergence test of a Hammerstein spline adaptive -lter (HSAF).
close all
disp('Hammerstein Spline Adaptive Filter (HSAF)');
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Parameters s e t t i n g
% Input parameters ------------------------------------------------------
Lx = 30000; % Length of input s i g n a l
nRun = 10 ; % Number of runs
out_noise_level_dB = 60 ; % SNR
out_noise_level = 10^(-out_noise_level_dB/20) ; % Noise l e v e l
x = zeros(Lx,1) ; % x (Nx1) input s i g n a l array d e f i n i t i o n
% Colored s i g n a l generation ---------------------------------------------
a = 0.1;
b = sqrt(1-a^2) ;
%x = f i l t e r ( b , [1 -a ] , randn ( s i z e ( x ) ) ) ; % H( z ) = b/(1+a * z^-1)
disp ( ' . . . . . . ' ) ;
% Adaptive f i l t e r d e f i n i t i o n --------------------------------------------
M = 7 ; % Length of l i n e a r f i l t e r
mu0 = 0.1 ; % Learning r a t e f o r l i n e a r f i l t e r
mQ0 = 0.1 ; % Learning r a t e f o r c o n t r o l points
if Lx < 30000 % Batch f o r evaluating MSE
B = 100 ;
B = 4000 ;
% Spline a c t i v a t i o n function d e f i n i t i o n and i n i t i a l i z a t i o n --------------
afinit = 0 ; % I n i t a c t . func . -1 0 . . . (ONLY -1, bip . s i g . or 0 =linear)
aftype = 4 ; % Kind a c t . f . -1 0 1 2 4 5 ; (4 = CR-spline , 5 = B-s p l i n e )
Slope = 1 ; % Slope
DeltaX = 0.2 ; % Delta X
x_range = 2 ; % Range l i m i t
% Creating the n o n l i n e a r i t y ---------------------------------------------
af0 = create_activation_function( afinit, aftype, DeltaX, x_range, Slope,M); % Model
af1 = create_activation_function( afinit, aftype, DeltaX, x_range, Slope,M); % SAF
%% I n i t i a l i z a t i o n
% --- Target D e f i n i t i o n -------------------------------------------------
TH1 = create_SPL_lms_adaptive_filter_1(M,mu0,mQ0,1e-2,af0); % Target h Model LMS
% TARGET: Nonlinear memoryless function implemented by Spline interpolated LUT
Q0 = [ -2.20
] ; = Q0;
QL = length ( Q0) ; % Number of c o n t r o l points
% Linear f i l t e r ---------------------------------------------------------
TH1.w = [ 0.6 -0.4 0.25 -0.15 0.1 -0.05 0.001 ]; % MA system to be identified
% --- SAF d e f i n i t i o n ----------------------------------------------------
H1 = create_SPL_lms_adaptive_filter_1(M,mu0,mQ0,1e-2,af1); % HSAF LMS
% I n i t i a l i z e ------------------------------------------------------------
N = Lx + M + 1 ; % Total samples
for i = Lx+1:N
x(i) =0;
dn = zeros(N,1) ; % Noise desired output array
d = zeros(N,1) ; % Desired s i g n a l array
y = zeros(N,1) ; % Output array
e = zeros(Lx,1) ; % Error array
em = zeros(Lx,1) ; % Mean square e r r o r
varW = zeros(M,1) ; % Variance value of w
qm = zeros(QL,1) ; % Mean value Spline c o e f f
varQ = zeros(QL,1) ; % Variance value Spline c o e f f
%% Main loop ------------------------------------------------------------
disp (' Algorithm start . . . ') ;
t = clock ;
for n = 0 : nRun-1
fprintf( ' Test nr . %d/%d\n ' , n+1 , nRun) ;
x = filter( b, [1 -a] , randn(size(x))) ; % H( z ) = b/(1+a * z^-1)
dn = out_noise_level * randn(size(x)); % Noise
% SAF I .C. ----------------------------------------------------------
H1.w (:) = 0 ;
H1.w ( 1 ) = 0.1 ;
% Set Activation Func I .C. ------------------------------------------ = af0.Q;
% HSAF Evaluation ---------------------------------------------------
for k = 1 : Lx
% Computing the desired output ----------------------------------
%[TH1,d(k),snk] = FW_HSPL_F(TH1,x(k)); % Hammerstein model
% Updating HSAF -------------------------------------------------
[H1,y(k),e(k)] = AF_LMS_HSPL_F(H1,x(k),d(k)+ dn(k)) ; % SAF LMS ( Eqs .(10) and (11))
em = em + (e.^2 ) ; % Squared e r r o r
wm = n+111;
% SAF run-time mean and variance estimation -------------------------
wm = (1/(n+1))*H1.w + (n/(n+1))*wm;
varW = varW + (n/(n+1))*((TH1.w - wm).^2) ;
qm = (1/(n+1))**qm;
varQ = varQ + ( n/(n+1) )*(( - qm).^2);
em = em/nRun; % MSE = qm;
% Average MSE evaluation
mse = mean(em(end-B-M-1:end-M-1) ) ; % Average MSE
fprintf('\n') ;
%% Results
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% P r i n t t a b l e of means and variances
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
fprintf('\n') ;
fprintf( 'Number of iterations = %d\n ' ,nRun) ;
fprintf( ' Learning rates : muW = %5.3 f muQ = %5.3 f \n ' , mu0, mQ0) ;
fprintf( ' a = %4.2f b = %4.2f\n',a, b ) ;
fprintf( 'Number of filter weights = %d\n ' , M) ;
fprintf( 'AF type = %d\n ' ,aftype) ;
fprintf( ' DeltaX = %4.2 f \n ' ,DeltaX) ;
fprintf( 'SNR_dB = %4.2 f dB\n ' ,out_noise_level_dB) ;
fprintf( ' Steady-state MSE = %5.7f , equal to %5.3f dB\n ' ,mse,10*log10 (mse)) ;
fprintf('\n ') ;
fprintf('Mean and Variance Tables ----------------------------------\n ' ) ;
for i=1:QL
fprintf('i=%2d q0 =%5.2 f qm =%9.6f varQ = %10.3e \n ',i, i),qm( i),varQ(i));
for i=1:M
fprintf('i=%d w0 =%5.2f wm =%9.6f varW = %10.3e \n ',i,TH1.w(i) , wm( i) , varW( i) ) ;
fprintf('-----------------------------------------------------------\n ' ) ;
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% P l o t t i n g f i g u r e s
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Plot Spline functions -------------------------------------------------
yLIM = 1.5 ;
xLIM = 3.0 ;
figure1 = figure('PaperSize',[20.98 29.68]);
hold on;
ylim([-yLIM yLIM]);
xlim([-xLIM xLIM]);
grid on;
KK = 500;
yy1 = zeros(1,KK);
yy2 = zeros(1,KK);
xa1 = zeros(1,KK);
dx = 2*xLIM/KK;
xx = -xLIM;
for k = 1 : KK
yy1(k) = ActFunc(xx, ; % Model
yy2( k) = ActFunc(xx, ; % Adapted
xa1( k) = xx;
xx = xx + dx;
ylabel('SAF output','FontSize',12,'FontWeight','demi');
title('Profile of model and adapted nonlinearity','FontSize',12,'FontWeight','demi');
plot( xa1,yy1,'-g','LineWidth',2);
plot( xa1,yy2,'--','LineWidth',2);
legend ('Model','Adapted','Location','SouthEast');
set( gca,'FontSize',10,'FontWeight','demi');
% Filter coefficients ---------------------------------------------------
figure2 = figure('PaperSize',[20.98 29.68]) ;
hold on;
plot( TH1.w, 'LineWidth' , 2 ) ;
plot( H1.w, 'm' , 'LineWidth' , 2 ) ;
xlabel('time {\itn} ' , 'FontSize' , 12 , 'FontWeight' , 'demi' ) ;
ylabel('Linear combiner coefficients' , 'FontSize' , 12 , 'FontWeight' , 'demi' ) ;
legend('Model' , 'Adapted') ;
set(gca, 'FontSize' , 10 , 'FontWeight' , 'demi' ) ;
% MSE dB ----------------------------------------------------------------
figure3 = figure('PaperSize' , [10 15]);
hold on;
ylim([-out_noise_level_dB-5 10]) ;
grid on;
edb = 10*log10( em );
[bb,aa] = butter(2,0.02) ;
plot(filter(bb,aa,edb), 'Color' ,[1 0 0], 'LineWidth' ,2);
noiseLevel(1 : length(edb)-1) = -out_noise_level_dB;
plot(noiseLevel, '--' , 'Color' ,[0 0 1], 'LineWidth' ,2);
title('Hammerstein SAF convergence test' , 'FontSize' ,12, 'FontWeight','demi');
legend ('MSE','NoiseLevel');
set(gca ,'FontSize' , 10 , 'FontWeight' , 'demi');
set( gcf , 'PaperSize' , [20.98 29.68]);
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
fprintf( 'END Hammerstein Spline Adaptive Filter (HSAF) ---------------------------------------------\n ' ) ;

Cite As

Shivendra Nandan (2024). Analysis of FxLMS based Spline Adaptive Filtering Algorithm (, GitHub. Retrieved .

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Spline Adaptive Filtering Algorithm


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