Turbo Code Simulation

Generate a turbo code, and decode the code iteratively using MAP detectors.
Updated 25 Aug 2011

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Generate a turbo code, and decode the code iteratively using MAP detectors.
Punctured and unpunctured turbo codes are implemented. Probability of bit error plots can be obtained by executing MATLAB scripts.

Cite As

In Soo Ahn (2024). Turbo Code Simulation (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/14600-turbo-code-simulation), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2011a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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Version Published Release Notes

Update the SIMULINK models by replacing obsolete blocks. Increase the interleaver size to obtain much lower probability of bit error characteristics.

The turbo code can be run under different Eb/No's by executing the turbo_code_multiple_run_driver.

Some people complained of the model not opening. Older MATLAB and SIMULINK versions do not open the model properly. Please make sure that MATLAB 7.3 with the corresponding SIMULINK or later version is used.