BLAST+ Support Package for Bioinformatics Toolbox

BLAST+ finds regions of local similarity between biological sequences.
Updated 20 Jul 2023

This repository contains downloadable archives of BLAST+ compatible with Bioinformatics Toolbox ® for MATLAB ™.

What is BLAST+?

Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) finds regions of local similarity between biological sequences, in order to infer evolutionary relationships and identify members of gene families. While BLAST searches can be performed on the web, BLAST+ enables users to perform BLAST searches on their own machines by creating databases and executing queries locally.


BLAST+ software is placed in the public domain. A copy of this notice is included in the BLASTPLUS_LICENSE file included in this repository.

Where is the BLAST+ source code?

This repository contains only compiled binaries, copied without modification from released versions available here: Source files can be obtained from the NCBI's cxx toolkit repo on github.

Cite As

MathWorks Bioinformatics Team (2025). BLAST+ Support Package for Bioinformatics Toolbox (, GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2024a
Compatible with R2024a and later releases
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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