1 Download
Updated 2 May 2024


This project was made with Ernie Yates.

Please take this code and improve it. Commenting may not be the best because this was created for a school assignment.

To run the code as is download the entire folder and run Checkers.mlappinstall then run the app from the toolbar. To test your changes run startPoint.m

The unused board called taken logs the potential taken pieces by all moves.


  • By checking moves from every possible position you could eliminate invalid moves. Would reccomend to create a moves class and have a loop track the moves with updated boards for each iteration. note:this will be quite tedious. graphics and user interface
  • Add deleted pieces to the sides of the board. Allow said pieces to be replaced onto the board.
  • Add button to show the rules again
  • Adjust text and button sizing game speed
  • The logic to determine if a piece can be moved is quite bloated gameplay
  • An AI would be fun to see

Cite As

Elijah (2024). Matlab-Checkers (https://github.com/KarlTheKrazyKat/Matlab-Checkers), GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2024a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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