Sortable Profiler Report

Generates sortable profile reports.
Updated 19 Jul 2002

No License

The MATLAB 'profreport' function used by the profiler generates a table of function calls sorted by execution time. However, often it is necessary to sort by number of calls, time in self, etc. 'SProfReport' duplicates all the functionality of the original, but permits the function call to be sorted. This is accomplished by use of a simple JavaScript function.

I'm not a JavaScript expert, and the script I'm using is freeware from the web. Currently sorting will only be in descending order (which is usually what one cares about when profiling). I'd appreciate any improvements to the sorting algorithm.

Cite As

Carlos Niederstrasser (2024). Sortable Profiler Report (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R12.1
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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