Class Inheritance Browser

A tool for managing and organizing classes, with a simple interface and (optional) tree diagram.
Updated 17 Aug 2010

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This tool searches a given directory and populates a browser window with pertinent information about each discovered class, including properties, methods, and superclasses. Other useful features include opening a class definition file from the browser window, opening a file to the line where a certain method is defined, and printing property help to the console.

Additionally, if the Bioinformatics Toolbox is installed, a tree diagram will be displayed that visualizes inheritance relationships between all Matlab classes found.

Originally written as a project for Engineering 177, Advanced Matlab Programming, Spring 2010, Professor Andrew Packard, University of California, Berkeley.

Cite As

Clayton Ernst (2024). Class Inheritance Browser (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2009b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
Find more on Class Introspection and Metadata in Help Center and MATLAB Answers

Inspired by: View Class Inheritance Hierarchy

Inspired: matlab-ClassInheritanceBrowser

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Version Published Release Notes

License checking made compatible with network licenses.

Summary, description, and requirements updated.

Checks to see if the bioinformatics toolbox is present. If not, then the browser window is opened without displaying the tree diagram.

- clean up code
- try harder to find user supplied class name
- catch classInheritance.iTree errors in classInheritance.browse
- made package +inex out of inheritanceexample directory.

- Numerous bugs fixed, speed improved
- 'Browse' button to jump to a new directory
- Right click on method -> opens the proper file to the proper line
- Right click on property -> prints property help to console

- Use the 'Browse' button to jump to a new directory
- Right click on method -> open the proper file to the proper line
- Right click on property -> print property help to the console