
This Matlab function calculates the (effective) source lines of (Matlab) code.
Updated 26 Dec 2012

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This Matlab function calculates the (effective) source lines of (Matlab) code.
It is possible to call it for any function name that is in Matlab's current
search path, a filename, or a directory. If you call the function for a
directory, then recursion is used to calculate the sloc count for all files
in the folder and its sub-folders.

A function to show a sorted list of files (sorted by SLOC, ascending) is also

Please have a look into 'example.m' to see how to use the code.

It is also possible to change the function that processes individual files.
This way you can, e.g., integrate/use a C++/C or .txt handler. Currently,
there are actually two places where you can do it: First, you can modify/
extend 'calcsloc' or you completely replace 'calcsloc' with an interface-
compatible version.

Of course similar packages exist such as, e.g.,
sloc (
slocDir (
However, this code is a rewrite that features more functionality and directly
bundles the functionality of slocDir with sloc. Nevertheless, if you don't
like this package, I would suggest that you check the packages referenced
above, maybe they are more like what you are searching for.

Cite As

Boris Schauerte (2024). SLOCstat (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2012b
Compatible with any release
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Windows macOS Linux
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