Map2 - enhanced map class

Map2 enhance the functionality of the built-in containers.Map class.
Updated 14 Feb 2013

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The Map2 object is a subclass of the built-in containers.Map class.
It is a data structure which contains of key-value pairs. Map2 enhance
the functionality of the built-in containers.Map class. It provides
a few extra methods and allows you to use indexing in order to get
specific values from the container. Also a bidirectional use of
key-value pairs is supported (like Boost.Bimap library).

Map2 object can be indexed by using curly brackets {range1,range2}.
It returns a cell array of values or scalar value of Map2 given range
(range1,range2). range1 refers to position of the value set and
range2 refers to position inside a value set. range2 can be omitted
if not needed.

Look at the built-in containers.Map class documentation for more
info about how to properly construct a Map2 object and what
properties/methods it includes.

myMap = Map2({'West Germany','Argentina','Italy','England'},...
fprintf(1,'The number of coutries is %d\n',myMap.length);
fprintf(1,'The winner is %s\n',myMap.right_at(myMap.right_find(1)))
fprintf(1,'Countries names ordered by their final position:\n')
for k = 1:myMap.length
fprintf(1,['Countries names ordered alphabetically along',...
' with their final position:\n']);
for k = 1:myMap.length
fprintf(1,'%s ends in position %s\n',myMap.right_at(k),num2str(myMap{k}))

myMap = Map2({'Frequency','Impedance','Phase'},...
{[1 10 1e2 1e3 1e4 1e5],[1 2 4 8 16 32],[90 90 89 85 60 20]});
myMap = myMap.addSets({'Resistance','Inductance'},{[0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.2 1.75],...
[1.1e-4 1.05e-4 0.9e-4 0.7e-4 0.4e-4 0.1e-4]});
dataSets = myMap{[4,3]};

% Calculate the number of all values in the container.
sum(cell2mat(cellfun(@(x) numel(x),myMap{1:myMap.length},'uni',false)))

% Get one element from value set
elem = myMap{2,5}
elem = myMap.right_at(2,3)

Map2 public properties:
Inherited from containers.Map class:
KeyType - Type of key used by this instance of Map.
ValueType - Type of value used by this instance of Map.
Count - Number of key-value pairs in Map.

Map2 public methods:
clear - Removes all the key-values pairs from the data
find - Return an index of the given key argument. If the key
is not found then index will empty.
addSets - Return a new Map2 object which size has been
increased by the given key-value pairs.
right_find - Return an index of the given key argument. Index look up is done
switching key-value pairs (Map(X,Y) => Map(Y,X)). If the key
is not found then index will empty.
right_at - Return an array of values(cell or scalar) of Map2 given range
(range1,range2). Key-value pairs have been switched (Map(X,Y) => Map(Y,X))
Where range1 refers to position of the value set and range2
refers to position inside a value set. range2 can be omitted
if not needed.

Inherited from containers.Map class:
isKey - Determine whether Map2 contains given key.
keys - Return cell array of keys of Map2.
values - Return cell array of values of Map2.
remove - Remove key-value pairs from Map2.
size - Return size of Map2.
length - Return length of Map2. This is the number of
key-value pairs in Map2.
isempty - Determine if Map2 contains any data.

Cite As

Mikko Leppänen (2024). Map2 - enhanced map class (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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