A solution to the Maze problem with Dijkstra

Version (2.21 KB) by Y Simson
Use Dijkstra to find the shortest path to a Maze
Updated 31 Mar 2014

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The general idea:
1) Think of every pixel in the maze as node on a connected graph
2) Define the walls as having high weights. This ensures that walls will act as separators
3) Use a 4-connected neighborhood to link adjacent pixels/nodes
4) Convert the maze image into a sparse Distance matrix(similar to an adjacency matrix with weights instead of ones).
5) Use graphshortestpath() from the bioinformatics toolbox to find the shortest path

Cite As

Y Simson (2025). A solution to the Maze problem with Dijkstra (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/46072-a-solution-to-the-maze-problem-with-dijkstra), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2013a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

Inspired by: dijkstra very simple

Inspired: Dijkstra lowest cost for images

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Version Published Release Notes

Fixed a bug and added support to im2graph() function to support 8 as well as 4 connected neighborhoods