
Version (1.65 KB) by wang qing
The plasma dispersion function ( Algorithm 916 based)
Updated 13 May 2015

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w=zetaf(z) is the plasma dispersion function , which also is based on
The Faddeeva or Kramp function . The Faddeeva or Kramp function
is defined as:
where erfcx(z)=erfc(-iz) which is the complex complementary error
function. And the general plasma dispersion function has the relationship
of Faddeeva function:
w=zetaf(z)=i \sqrt(pi) Faddeeva(z).
This algorithm is based on the work:
Mofreh R. Zaghloul and Ahmed N. Ali, "Algorithm 916: Computing the Faddeyeva and Voigt Functions," ACM Trans. Math. Soft. 38 (2), 15 (2011).

Cite As

wang qing (2024). zetaf(z) (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/50814-zetaf-z), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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Version Published Release Notes

updata a figure of the contours of Multi-Ion acoustic wave dispersion by this code

I find an error in this code: n=20+max(ceil(abs(x/a))) is suitable for a vector 'x' (z=x+iy) but may be wrong for a matrix 'x'. So I change this: x1=x(:);n=20+max(ceil(abs(x/a))) which is suitable for any dimensional matrix.

update the description