Video Watermarking using DWT

Encode secret image in a video
Updated 22 Jul 2015

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Digital video theft is an escalating crime. Today, there are torrent sites that host copies of movies, sometimes months before their DVD/Bluray release. This is mostly seen before award seasons (such as Oscars, Golden Globes, etc.). The adjudicators are given free copies of the movies, and they often end up in torrent sites.
Video watermarking is extremely useful tool for theft identification. Once a unique image is embedded within a video, (on a selected number of frames), it becomes a unique copy. Since the embedding is carried out in some of the (lower) frequency wavelets, it is impossible for the viewer to see a significant difference anywhere in the video. Furthermore, without having access to the original video and the frame numbers where the embedding has taken place, it is nearly impossible to remove the watermark from the video as well. The DWT watermarking of a video is known to be highly robust against many known attacks, and therefore, there is a very good chance that the copy can be identified even after distortion.
This code is a slightly modified implementation of a conference paper on video watermarking...
Authors: Prachi V. Powar, S.S.Agrawal

Cite As

Sudaraka Mallawaarachchi (2024). Video Watermarking using DWT (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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