Fully Loaded 2D Plotter

This function is capable of making a 2-dimensional pixel plot for a given data set or function
Updated 5 Jan 2017

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This function is capable of drawing a thermal plot for two input types.
1. For @FunctionHandle plots:
Example: thermalPlot([-100 100],[-250 250],@(x,y)(sqrt(x.*y)),'TITLE_','$$\sqrt{\chi\gamma}$$','X_LABEL','\chi','Y_LABEL','\gamma','xTickRes',20,'yTickRes',25)
% 2. For matrix plots:
Example: thermalPlot([-5 5],[-10 25],randi(10,[1e3 1e3]))
Example: thermalPlot([-100 100],[-250 250],randi(1e2,[2e2,5e2]),'TITLE_','$$Z$$','X_LABEL','x','Y_LABEL','y','xTickRes',20,'yTickRes',25,'MAP_TYPE','pink','COMP_SWITCH','abs','X_TICK_ANGLE',90)
1. x_range must be of form [x(1) x(2)] for @FunctionHandle plots. x_range must be of for m[x(1) x(2)] or a linear vector for matrix plots. When a linear vector, length(x_range)>2&&XLENGTH(Z)==length(x_range)
2. y_range - same as above for Y axis

3. Z - can be a @FunctionHandle or a Matrix (Dimensions must match, see x_range). Z is assumed to be arranged in the Cartesian standard where the bottom left index [y(end),x(1)] holds the (min(Z(y)),min(Z(x)) data point and the top right data point holds the (max(Z(y)),max(Z(x)) data point.

Additional Inputs

1. x_res - used in @FunctionHandle plots to generate xVector x(1):x_res:x(2) Ignored for matrix type plots
2. x_tick_range - must be of form [x(1) x(2)] denoting start and end points of the tick labels
3. x_tick_res - res of x_tick_label.
4. XTICKVECTOR = x_tick_res(1):x_tick_res:x_tick_res(2)
5. IGNORE_LARGE_MATRIX - set 1 to plot for large matrices (dim>1e4)
6. COMP_SWITCH - for complex outputs, set to 'real','imag','abs' for respective plot.
7. TITLE_ - plot title as a string
8. X_LABEL - x label as a string
9. X_TICK_ANGLE - sets X tick angle
10. xTickFormat - Refer to xtickformat inputs in help doc.

Where applicable, analogus functions exist for the y axis as well...

Please check the examples to understand the functionality of the code

Cite As

Sudaraka Mallawaarachchi (2024). Fully Loaded 2D Plotter (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/61020-fully-loaded-2d-plotter), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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Created with R2015b
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