
Stochastic frontier analysis using Bayesian inference in MATLAB
Updated 11 Mar 2018

The purpose of this program is to run stochastic frontier analysis using Bayesian inference (BSFA) in MATLAB. The program can run several different types of stochastic frontier models and a number of different parametric specifications of the frontier. The graphical user interface makes the program especially appealing for practitioners who wish to perform automated, high-quality stochastic frontier analyses using Bayesian inference. Estimation algorithms adopted in the program are based on well-documented methods in the BSFA literature. It is intendent mainly for panel data analyses, however, those parametric specifications of the stochastic frontier which assume no time variation can be used in a cross-section study.
To use the program just download all files and run BSFA_mk1.fig. See README_BSFA.pdf for a detailed description on how to use it.

Cite As

Kamil Makiela (2025). KamilMakiela/BSFAmk1 (https://github.com/KamilMakiela/BSFAmk1), GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2014b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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