
Function which reduces the size of a data to export it to another application
Updated 29 Nov 2017

Original Problem:
I wanted to plot data in my bachelor thesis using LaTex and pgfplots. Unfortunately the data was too big for LaTex to handle and it wouldn't compile. This especially happened with plots of electric fields. Also I was annoyed at the useless precision of the data. I eventually solved the problem by linearizing the data with fewer data points, but I wasn't satisfied with the solution. So I posted on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45819593/export-only-relevant-data-from-matlab/47515895#47515895. Unfortunately nobody could think of a solution which worked dramatically better. A few month went by and in the lecture "digital image analysis" I found a better way. Now I want to share it with the world and also expand it.
To make this a function which works fast with multiple dimensions and in differnt languages.

Cite As

Julian Wagenschütz (2024). JulianWgs/get_relevant_data (https://github.com/JulianWgs/get_relevant_data), GitHub. Retrieved .

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