
adds scope-dependency to graphical handle objects. They can be deleted, or have changing properties
Updated 9 Apr 2018

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This was born out of the need to have information dialog boxes that appear and eventually disappear, without necessarily blocking, as with uiwaitfor. Using LimitScope, you can display some graphical item, whether it is a messagebox (figure), axes, plot, or even a menu item, and have it delete itself when the variable is no longer used. That is, when the variable becomes invalid or changes (such as when you leave a function, or when you assign a new value to the variable).
An alternate use of this allows you to change properties for an item depending on scope. Some ideas:
- uimenu items that are only enabled while a function is executing
- highlights on a plot that display during certain calculations
- visible/hidden buttons on a message box

Example 1. A self-deleting message box
function calculate()
LimitScope( msgbox('Calculating important stuff','calc') );
% do calculations...

Example 2. Message box that goes away after a few seconds
LimitScope(msgbox('Hey, that thing is done', 'look'), seconds(3) );

Example 3. Plot a line that changes color momentarily

Cite As

Celso Reyes (2024). LimitScope (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2017b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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