Simulink Galaxy Simulation with Particle Count and Velocity Outputs

Version (39.5 KB) by Nhan Ngo
This is a modification to sldemo_eml_galaxy that gives particle count data and velocity.
Updated 13 May 2018

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This is a modification to the demo found here.
It allows the user to select one of the galaxies, a bounding radius in parsecs, and will give the amount of particles within the bounding radius when the end time is arrived at. This allows the user to simply find the relative distribution of a galaxy due to a galactic interaction.
Each galaxy contains 1000 particles. The initial positions, velocities, mass, and radii can be inputted.
The x, y, and z velocities are also shown.

If you require only 2 galaxies, you can delete the third "construct galaxy block" and all its constituent inputs and traces, and it will run the same.

If you require more than 3, you can copy the "construct galaxy" block and its inputs, and then hook the output up to the "matrix concatenation" block.

The amount of particles initially in each body can be altered by double clicking on the "construct galaxy" block and inputting a "numberOfBodies" field.

It is recommended that the user reads the README document attached.

I am fairly sure this will work with releases newer than Simulink 8.9, but contact if it does not.

I will modify it to make it easier to use in the future.

Please contact with issues or comments.

Cite As

Nhan Ngo (2024). Simulink Galaxy Simulation with Particle Count and Velocity Outputs (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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Created with R2017a
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