
central projection of a spherical map on a dodecahedron, matlab script
Updated 7 Jan 2019

# dodecahedron
central projection of a spherical map on a dodecahedron, matlab script
author: R Toussaint, Institut de Physique du Globe de Strasbourg, CNRS / University of Strasbourg, Dec 2018

Matlab script
the script is called dodemap.m
it reads a .png file containing the image to map: color (RGB) as function of longitue and latitude, mapped in a 2x1 standard image representation
(each column is a meridian, each line is a parallel, latitudes vary linearly as lines from top to bottom, longitudes linearly as column numbers from left to rightexport_fig_out_l5.png

%colorcarte=imread('imagesourcered2.jpg'); % opening the image where color is stored as function ot longitude, latitude (image with horizontal pixels twice larger than vertical pixel size, 360 degrees versus 180)
in this case, 'export_fig_out_l5.png'
a tomography map of the Earth mantle, at 530 km under the earth surface - the colors correspond to the percentage of variation of the S waves.
Structures corresponding to subducting plate slabs, hot spots, accretion of oceanic cruts, disappeared oceans under the crust, as Farallon and Thetys,
are visible. data: C. Zaroli, Geoph. Journal International, 2016, DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggw315
Any spherical map can be used as input, only the image dimension have to be adjusted in the script.

The output dodecahedron is exported as export_fig_out_result.png

It can be built by printing it on paper and using scisors and tape.

The output part, for saving purposes, uses the library
that should be present in the directory of the script, copied in a subdirectory altmany-export_fig-5b3965b/

This part at the end of the script can also be commented, and the figures saved directly, commenting the last 7 lines of the script.

Cite As

Renaud71. renaud71/Dodecahedron: Dodecahedron, Mapping of Spherical Data - First Release. Zenodo, 2019, doi:10.5281/zenodo.2531114.

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