
A simple tool to create multiple data tips on multiple line handles, with color matched to that of each curve.
Updated 1 Jul 2023

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Editor's Note: This file was selected as MATLAB Central Pick of the Week

% ADD_DATATIPS( x_values , [h_curve_Array], [fontSize, nx,ny])
% Creates multiple data tips on multiple line handles
% with color matched to that of each curve.
% Tips are created at location xi,fn(xi) where
% xi = x_values,
% fn(xi) = defined by (XData,YData) in h_curve_Array(n)
% ------
% h_curve_Array = a single Line handle or an array of them
% x_values = array of x value where data tips are requested
% fontSize = self explanatory
% nx,ny = nr of digits used for representation x,y(z)
% set nx=0 if you only want to display y value
% set ny=0 if you only want to display x value
% figure(); hold on;
% p_h(1) = plot(0:10,(0:10).^2,'b');
% p_h(2) = plot(0:10,(0:10),'r');
% add_DataTips( [3.3,5.5,7.7] , p_h, 7)
% figure(); hold on;
% plot(0:10,(0:10).^2,'b');
% plot(0:10,(0:10),'r');
% add_DataTips( [3.3,5.5,7.7])
% EXAMPLE skipping X values (by setting nx = 0)
% figure(); hold on;
% plot(0:10,(0:10).^2,'b');
% plot(0:10,(0:10),'r');
% add_DataTips([3.3,5.5,7.7], [],[] ,0)
% EXAMPLE skipping Y values (by setting ny = 0)
% figure(); hold on;
% plot(0:10,(0:10).^2,'b');
% plot(0:10,(0:10),'r');
% add_DataTips([3.3,5.5,7.7], [],[] ,2,0)
% M.Ciacci, 2020/03/20, rev1.5
% M.Ciacci, 2020/07/10, rev1.6
% M.Ciacci, 2020/12/03, rev1.7

Cite As

Massimo Ciacci (2025). add_DataTips (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2016b
Compatible with R2014b and later releases
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

Inspired: add_DataTips_2D

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Version Published Release Notes

- Added customDataTipCallBack, Separated update function from creation of data tips
- Added setTips_CallBack to add colored tips by mouse click
- placefig_Normalized no need to know screensize now


cleaned up test bench
added a check for interpolation which would fire error


forgot to include one function


screenshot was not updated ?


Now it is possible to specify a different format per curve.
A new chopY parameter can truncate values close to 0 to exactly 0, on a single data tip, without affecting precision of other data tips.


fixed bug when plot contains only one point


- fixed bug when xdata was not sorted or xvalues upon call
- added feature: can define only X or only Y values on tip
- added feature: when plot handles not given as input, consider stem plots too


Hopefully fixed issue with the background color of the data tips.


Now one can pass empty handles ( h_curve_Array) and the function will fetch them from gca.


Fixed background color with simpler HSL space which preserves hue.


Solved this warning by adding a check on interp position of tip:
Warning: Error updating PointDataTip.
DataSpace or ColorSpace transform method failed"


updated for ML2016b: added drawnow to fix potential error
prevent error when data tip out of current xlims


removed unused old code
