Load COVID-19 case data from John Hopkins database

Version 0.63 (6.49 KB) by Axel Ahrens
This functions load, process and plot the data from the John Hopkins COVID-19 database.
Updated 14 Apr 2020

# Load COVID-19 case data from John Hopkins database

Loading, processing and plotting the data from the John Hopkins COVID-19 database. The data is automatically read from the online repository, thus, you need a internet connection. The data can be found here: https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19.

# How to (see runAll.m):
type = 'confirmed'; % 'confirmed','deaths','recovered'
[dataMatrix] = readCoronaData(type);
[dataTable,timeVector,mergedData] = processCoronaData(dataMatrix);

Cite As

Axel Ahrens (2025). Load COVID-19 case data from John Hopkins database (https://github.com/aahr/covid-19_data_analysis), GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2019b
Compatible with R2018b and later releases
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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Version Published Release Notes

-fixed bug in reading script due to comma in Province/State field.


-Fixed issue with table in MATLAB versions before 2019b (Thank you to Ernesto Criado-Hidalgo and Christopher Hoen).


-fixed bug that occurs on Mac OSX pointed out by Christopher Hoen (Thank you!)


-fixed typo in Description
-re-added analysis of recovered cases (was removed from John Hopkins database and is now back)
-changed plotting from legend to annotation


-The John Hopkins database format was changed again


-The John Hopkins database changed its format


-connected github repo


-now also includes the options to load Deaths and Recovered cases.


-fixed bug in plotting function
-added a plot to show daily increase
-added a script to run all functions


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To view or report issues in this GitHub add-on, visit the GitHub Repository.