INSTALL(target, varargin)
Provides a way to directly 'install' MATLAB Community Toolboxes from
Github. For upgrade and downgrade use-cases, users can set the `override` option to
force the install.
target[required]: (string) Toolbox repo (e.g. 'org1/repo1') or local path to *.mltbx
version[optional, default='latest']: (string||handle) Version to be installed e.g.
'1.0.0' or version handle of the form @(v) that
resolves to acceptable versions. Handle approach
should expect v to be a cell array of version
candidates and return a logical array of result.
override[optional, default=false]: (boolean) Flag to indicate if should override an
existing install
- Community Toolbox linked on FileExchange to GitHub via GitHub Releases.
- Community Toolbox publicly available as open-source on GitHub.
- Community Toolbox attaches a single '.mltbx' artifact to GitHub Releases.
- Community Toolbox name matches the filename of '.mltbx' artifact.
- Users do not wish to have multiple simultaneous versions installed i.e. only a
single version per Toolbox is installed at any given time.
ghtb.install('guzman-raphael/compareVersions', 'version', '1.0.7')
ghtb.install('guzman-raphael/compareVersions', 'version', '1.0.6', 'override', true)
ghtb.install('guzman-raphael/compareVersions', 'version', ...
@(v) cellfun(@(x) contains(x, '1.0.'), v, 'uni', true))
ghtb.install('compareVersions.mltbx') %install from local toolbox file
Provides a way to directly 'uninstall' MATLAB Community Toolboxes from
toolboxName[required]: (string) Toolbox name to be uninstalled e.g. 'toolbox1'
- Users do not wish to have multiple simultaneous versions installed i.e. all
versions of specified toolbox are uninstalled (if applicable).
ghtb.uninstall('compareVersions') % uninstalls all versions of Toolbox
REQUIRE(requiredToolboxes, varargin)
Provides a way to directly require specific toolboxes with the option to 'install' if
not satisfied. Unsatisfied toolboxes with trigger a
'GHToolbox:requireToolboxes:Failed' error.
requiredToolboxes[required]: (cell) Toolboxes to be required and (if applicable)
resolved with installation. Each cell should contain a
struct with fields: Name[required, string],
ResolveTarget[required, string],
Version[optional, string||handle]. For Version
specification, see below for examples or
see help(ghtb.install) for accepted Version assignment.
prompt[optional, default=true]: (boolean) Whether to silently install or use prompts.
resolveGHToolboxDeps[optional, default=true]: (boolean) Resolve dependencies related
to GHToolbox.
requiredToolboxes = {...
'Name', 'GHToolbox', ...
'ResolveTarget', 'datajoint/GHToolbox'...
), ...
'Name', 'compareVersions', ...
'ResolveTarget', 'guzman-raphael/compareVersions', ...
'Version', '1.0.8'...
), ...
'Name', 'mym', ...
'ResolveTarget', 'datajoint/mym', ...
'Version', @(v) cellfun(@(x) contains(x, '2.7.'), v, 'uni', true)...
ghtb.require(requiredToolboxes) % require with prompts
ghtb.require(requiredToolboxes, 'prompt', false)
PACKAGE(toolboxName, toolboxAuthor, toolboxContact, toolboxSummary, ...
toolboxDescription, toolboxExclusions, toolboxVersionHandle, ...
toolboxRootFiles, varargin)
Provides a programatic way to 'package' MATLAB Community Toolboxes.
toolboxName[required]: (string) Toolbox name, will create as '{{toolboxName}}.mltbx'.
toolboxAuthor[required]: (string) Toolbox author full name.
toolboxContact[required]: (string) Toolbox author email.
toolboxSummary[required]: (string) Toolbox summary. Limit to 140 characters.
toolboxDescription[required]: (string) Toolbox long description.
toolboxExclusions[required]: (cell) Filepaths to exclude. Based from
toolboxVersionHandle[required]: (handle) Function that
Cite As
DataJoint Bot (2024). GHToolbox (, GitHub. Retrieved .
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