Fast active set algorithm for strictly convex quadratic program with bound constraints.
solves the strictly convex quadratic program of the form
min 0.5x'*H*x+g'*x, s.t. LB<=x<=UB,
where H=H'>0.
[x,lam,ws,oc,cc]=activeset_bc(H,g,LB,UB), work with default parameters.
This is modification of the algorithm 16.3 from Nocedal & Wright , p. 472.
H - positive definite and symmetric hessian matrix (nxn).
g - vetor (nx1).
tol - tolerance for equality constrained subproblem (16.39), p. 468 in N&W, (Default: 10^(-12))
maxiter - max. number of main iterations, (Default: 100*length(x))
x - optimal solution.
f=0.5x'*H*x+g'*x - minimum function value
lam(k) - Lagrange multiplier corresponding to LB(k)<=x(k)<=UB(k), k=1,..,n.
ws - is an optimal active set. If ws(k)=-1, then x(k)=LB(k). If ws(k)=+1,
then x(k)=UB(k), otherwise ws(k)=0.
oc - is an optimality measure i.e. ||Lx||=||H*x+g-A'*lam||, where
the Lagrangian
and A=[I;-I], b=[LB;-UB].
cc - is complementarity measure i.e.
cc = max |lam(i)*min(x(i)-LB(i),UB(i)-x(i))|
The activeset_bc, is usually (but not always), faster than quadprog/interior-point
To compare with quadprog/interior-point try to run the following code:
clear;close all
n=1000; % Problem size.
ac=1.0; % Mean number of active constraints ~ ac (ac=0.625 --> 10%).
z=randn(n,1);H=eye(n)/ac+(z*z');g=randn(n,1); % Generation of the random problem.
LB=-ones(n,1);UB=ones(n,1); % Bounds.
[x,f,lam,ws,oc,cc]=activeset_bc(H,g,LB,UB); % Run activeset_bc.
x_qp=quadprog(H,g,[],[],[],[],LB,UB,[],options); % Run quadprog.
disp(' ') % Compare the results
disp(['Problem size: ',num2str(n)])
disp(['Number of active constraints: ',num2str(nac)])
disp(['Norm of the difference between quadprog and activeset_bc: ',num2str(dx)])
disp(['Execution time quadprog: ',num2str(dt_qp), ' [ms]'])
disp(['Execution time activeset_bc: ',num2str(dt), ' [ms]'])
disp(['Optimality conditions: ',num2str(max(oc,cc))])
disp(' ')
(C) 2021, by dr Piotr Bania,
Cite As
Piotr Bania (2024). activeset_bc (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .
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