
Manikanta Aditya

Last seen: 2 days ago Active since 2022

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Consider the power rankings of Missouri and Oklahoma State. How is it possible that Oklahoma State has a higher power ranking than Missouri?
Hi @Oksana, The power ranking scores for Missouri and Oklahoma State can be influenced by several factors, even if Missouri has...

1 month ago | 0

Why can't generate A2L file including parameters and measurements for AUTOSAR model in Simulink 2018b?
Hi @Peng The issue you're encountering with generating an A2L file that includes parameters and measurements for an AUTOSAR mod...

1 month ago | 0

Comparing Polyspace BF results from different projects
Hi @Ahmed To compare Polyspace Bug Finder (BF) results from different projects using the polyspace-access export command, you c...

1 month ago | 0

How to load TreeBagger created and saved in an older version of MATLAB into a newer version?
Hi @Yongli It looks like you're encountering compatibility issues when loading a TreeBagger object saved in an older version of...

1 month ago | 0

my code does not have an answer
Hi @marjan mashayekhpour, The reason why you did not see any output for the above code as it sounds like the system of equation...

1 month ago | 0

what is the standard PC set-up for optimal performance
Hi @Hassan Ali, Your current setup is quite decent, but high-fidelity simulations in MATLAB, especially with Simscape, can be v...

1 month ago | 0

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How to write to screen a set of variables with mixed types?
HI @Robert Jones It looks like you're trying to print a string along with integer and floating-point variables using fprintf. T...

1 month ago | 0

How to estimate parameters of fractional SIR epidemic model?
Hi @JAYARAM PRAKASH To estimate parameters of a fractional SIR epidemic model for a vector-borne disease like dengue in MATLAB,...

1 month ago | 0

How can I model headlamps in Simulink that align with the steering direction and activate based on time of day or ambient light in a 3D environment?
Hi, Starting in R2024b, you can use the sim3d.Light actor in a Simulation 3D Actor block in Simulink to add any light to a 3D s...

1 month ago | 0

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How does MATLAB app designer call external. m functions after packaging into exe?
Hello @shen hedong, When you package a MATLAB App Designer app into an executable (EXE), calling external .m functions that are...

1 month ago | 0

MATLAB R2024a slow startup on Windows11 23H2
Hello @haoxuan, The long duration for the 'Toolbox cache load Start' step in your MATLAB startup metrics suggests that the tool...

1 month ago | 0

Can MATLAB for Students license be used with Docker for browser-based access?
Reach out to MathWorks support for this:

1 month ago | 1

Plot titles in subplots for various initial conditions
Hi @Left Terry, You can modify the subplot titles dynamically within the loop by using the current value of y0(i). clc, clea...

1 month ago | 0

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Sine wave with variable frequency
Hi @Alhassane Sylla, You can create a sine wave with a variable frequency in MATLAB by defining a time vector and then adjustin...

1 month ago | 0

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Where is the MATLAB installation file in Linux?
Hi @shahin, On Linux, MATLAB is typically installed in the /usr/local/MATLAB directory. The exact path will include the version...

1 month ago | 0

Parpool fails to start and returns error in HPC
Hi @Vighneshwar S A, As you mentioned that Parpool is failing to start and returns error in HPC, refer to the below mentioned r...

1 month ago | 0

What is this Simulink block called?
Hi Murat, Looks like this block in the shared block diagram is 'Dot Product' block. The Dot Product block generates the dot p...

1 month ago | 1

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How can I export all the enumerated data types from m-file to an SLDD (Data Dictionary)? Can Enum be created in m-file? IF yes what's the solution for this?
Hello @Parambrahma, Yes, you can create enumerated data types (Enums) in an m-file and export them to an SLDD (Simulink Data D...

1 month ago | 0

Acquire images and video from the Photron FASTCAM SA1
Hi @Julia Radzio, The ability to use Photron cameras is not available in Image Acquisition Toolbox. For a list of supported ha...

3 months ago | 0

How to solve the "unknown option" in cmd window that prompted after I use the "mpm install" command to install the offline documentation?
Hi, I understand that you are having issue with installing offline documentation. Refer to the following MATLAB Answer post, ...

3 months ago | 0

Quadcopter PID tuning in simscape multibo.dy
Hi, Refer to the following MATLAB answer post, which talks about similar issue you encountered: PID Tuning problem. The values...

3 months ago | 0

Simulink/Stateflow: Variable value cannot by changes in model
Hi Marco, I understand that you are encountering issue with your Simulink model where the core logic is controlled by a statefl...

3 months ago | 0

speed control of exporting animations in mlx
Hi, When exporting animations in MATLAB Live Scripts (mlx), the playback speed you set within the mlx environment does not auto...

3 months ago | 1

Płot sample of signal
Hi, Please refer to the following script to plot a 20-second sample of a signal with a total of 300,000 samples and a sampling ...

3 months ago | 0

Enable coding for PDCCH in 5G NR Test models
Hi, I have checked 3GPP TS 38.212 spec - [5G; NR; Multiplexing and channel coding] according to it, the coding for PDCCH involv...

3 months ago | 0

Problem with CI core engine (powertrain blockset )
Hi, I understand that you are interested to know about usage of CI core engine block and setting up of the it within the templ...

3 months ago | 0

Wie kann man in der Antenna Toolbox die Funktion show() auf ein Koordinatensystem ax beziehen?
Hi, I will be answering this question in English. To display an antenna in a specific UIAxes object use the show() function f...

3 months ago | 0

5G toolbox: Is it possible to capture other user packets from another user location? or measure the bit error rate, interference, etc.
Hi, In a 5G network, capturing packets from another user (eavesdropping) is generally not feasible due to the robust security ...

3 months ago | 0

Matlabbatch in the SPM, Item 'Session', field 'val': Value must be either empty, a cellstr or a cfg_dep
Hi, I found a relevant MATLAB Answer which talks about the similar issue you encountered. Refer to it to see if you can find a...

3 months ago | 0

i am using mrilab. but i am encountering some error
Hi @Farhan, I understand that you are having issue with usage of 'imrect' object. As mentioned by Cris above, imrect is not re...

3 months ago | 0

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