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Arduino NANO 33 BLE simulink package connection error
Hello For the Arduino Nano board, both the Host COM port and Bootloader COM port need to be specified manually for Simulink to ...
2 months ago | 0
ActiveX Server Creation Failed with no error message
Hello Server creation failure can be caused due to an unclean registry. The wrong CLSID may be referenced for the MATLAB.Applic...
2 months ago | 0
How to extract data from cdfplot()
Hello The error suggests that either zeros/NaN values are being generated in the code due to an arithmetic operation. Applying ...
2 months ago | 0
Can not connect hardware Arduino Nano 33 IoT bootloader com port error
Hello For the Arduino Nano board, both the Host COM port and Bootloader COM port need to be specified manually for Simulink to ...
2 months ago | 0
MATLAB coder works in R2019b version but crashes in R2022b when I run a particular code. Assertion Detected error
Hello From MATLAB R2022a onwards, calling a shared library from MATLAB expects UTF-8 encoded strings. Returning a string with ...
2 months ago | 0
How to solve: Output 'mylength' (#194) has variable size but the upper bound is not specified; explicit upper bound must be provided.
Hello If the size of a variable can change during model simulation, setting the sizes in the Data Editor for the MATLAB Functi...
2 months ago | 0
How to determine the midline in brain images.
Hi According to my understanding, you want to determine the midline in a binarized brain image. You can follow the below mentio...
3 months ago | 0
Error connecting raspberry pi
Hi Ananya You can try the below troubleshooting steps to ensure that raspberry pi is connected properly: Ping the IP address h...
3 months ago | 0
Receiving Dot Indexing is not supported for variable of this type with the plsregress function
Hi I faced a similar issue with my code after migrating to MATLAB R2023b. A workaround to circumvent this problem would be to u...
3 months ago | 0
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How do I change the MinGW gcc (tdm64-1) 4.9.2 to 6.3 version?
Hi To update the MinGW GCC version used in MATLAB from 4.9.2 to 6.3, you can follow below steps: Update MinGW to 6.3 and check...
4 months ago | 0
Deep Learning Toolbox - How to get Video Inputs in the Network, and use Videos in training?
Hi To use video data for training a model using in the Deep Learning Toolbox, the `VideoReader` function in MATLAB to read vide...
4 months ago | 0
Piezo stack error for help
Hi It seems like the solver is not able to converge to a solution. You can try the below trouble shooting steps: Make sure tha...
4 months ago | 0
how can i show my data on thingsview free app?
Hi Writing the data to ThingSpeak channel requires the write API. The write API key for a channel can be found on the API Keys ...
4 months ago | 0
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trainnet gives training loss is NaN
Hey Aliya I see that you are not able to train your UNET model due to Nan loss. There are a few troubleshooting methods you can...
5 months ago | 0
Could anyone tell me an accelerometer that will connect to matlab please?
Hello Accelerometers with I2C connectivity can be connected to an I2C master device such as a Raspberry pi or Arduino. The mast...
5 months ago | 0
How to check stability using bode-plot
Hello You can refer to the documentation linked below to add a Bode plot to a Simulink model:
5 months ago | 0
Error "Cannot find S-function modue ‘joyinput’." when I try to compile my model.
Hello I understand that you want to generate code for a Simulink model containing the Joystick input block. A quick look at the...
5 months ago | 0
How to use the model of Governor Type 1?
Hello Simulink provides a governer type 1 model as a block. Here's the link to the documentation of the same: https://www.math...
5 months ago | 0
nonparametric linear kernel regression
Hello You can refer to the below file exchange for non-parametrical regression using Gaussian kernel.: https://www.mathworks.c...
5 months ago | 0
The following error occurred during deployment to your hardware board: The generated code exceeds the available memory on the processor. It uses 137.9% of available program
Hey I suppose the error message suggests that you need to optimize the generated code such that it can be executed on the proce...
5 months ago | 0
USRP N210 Matlab Crash in Communications Toolbox (USRP)
Hello From your question, I gather that you are unable to connect to the USRP Radio through the MATLAB's Communications Toolbox...
5 months ago | 0
Derivative of state 'X? in block 'integrator' at time Y is not finite
Hello A quick glance sugests that you want to handle a division by 0 in your Simulink Model. Here are a few workarounds for it:...
5 months ago | 0
cod for lossless audio compression
Hey, you can refer to the answer below for implementing lossless audio compression in MATLAB:
5 months ago | 0
When running cpp file in matlab, there is a problem of calling mex in error, how to solve it
Hey The error code in the output is C3861. This error code suggests that an identifier is missing. You can start by looking if ...
5 months ago | 0
Empirical relations generation for big data
Hello I think you can use PCA in this case to reduce the dimensionality of the data. You can refer to the documentation linked ...
5 months ago | 0
Error cannot open output file while building PIL Block
Hey, this error looks like an issue with the permissions of the mex file. Can you try resetting them by allowing both read and w...
6 months ago | 0
Error in connector.internal.webwindowmanager.setClientDefaults (line 26)
Hey , I'm not recieving this issue in 24a, can you please check if the version upgrade is helping in fixing this bug.
7 months ago | 0
how to make "if strcmp(,'rtw')" true in model simulation.
Hello"target") function returns 1 if the code generation target is set to "target", else it return 0. You can use...
7 months ago | 0
3d world editor java crash
Hello I had faced a similar issue, here are a few workarounds that you can try: Run the "javaclasspath" command to check if th...
7 months ago | 0
(I have provided a workaround in comments but it is no answer) Matlab example "Train Deep Learning Semantic Segmentation Network Using 3-D Simulation Data" doesn't work.
Hello A quick look at the error suggests that the content inside the folder is not included in the path and is not accessible, ...
7 months ago | 0