Not able to save a ".mat" file when the excel workbook is fetched within a function
"I am trying to fetch an excel sheet from a function and save it as a ".mat" file" That task is much easier and much more relia...

3 months ago | 0

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error Unrecognized function or variable help me please :(!
That really is very bad data design: one single numeric array would be much better than storing lots of numeric scalars in a hug...

3 months ago | 0

Put the separator every thousands
Here are some more interesting testcases (with both one hundred million as well as one billion): S = ["100000000";"1000000000";...

3 months ago | 0

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Is there a way to "vectorize" this segment of code?
S = string(randi([0,9], 5,4)) D = str2double(join(S,""))

3 months ago | 1

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Renaming group of files
P = '.'; % absolute or relative path to where the files are saved. F = 'image*.bmp'; % filename with wildcard and file extensio...

3 months ago | 0

How to have a user select a file and then matlab automatically go into multiple subfolders and pull out a multiple text files and import them in as a table
Let DIR to do the work for you! DIR will happily search in subfolders for specific files, if you tell it to: P = uigetdir('C:\u...

3 months ago | 0

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How to use setvaropts for strangely-formatted text file
First lets see if READTABLE et al can ignore those space characters on a simple test file: type testformat.csv readtable('test...

3 months ago | 1

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Unable to comprehend "time" function output
"Is this output returning the difference between time components of calenderDuration function or only time duration between time...

3 months ago | 1

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Extract Numbers from Mixed string
B = 'single snap detector: 1 S2L:232867 S2R:3151621 S3L:0 S3R:0'; Method one: SSCANF: V = sscanf(B,'%*[^:]:%d') % very efficie...

3 months ago | 1

How to call a separate function to a new program
"This was my attempt, that went poorly." The basic cause is your continued usage of INPUT everywhere, and hiding the function b...

3 months ago | 0

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Reading ping output using readtable
Here is an easy way to import all numeric data as numeric, and with minimal post-processing for the datestamp: T = readtable("t...

3 months ago | 1

Where to store images on computer for imread
"Is this because the image is not stored in the right place on my computer.." The only "right place" is the location where you ...

3 months ago | 0

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Number to Words
Convert a numeric to a string with the English name of the number value (GB/IN/US).

3 months ago | 7 downloads |



Words to Number
Convert English number name/s written in a string to numeric value/s (GB/IN/US).

3 months ago | 1 download |


How to solve " Error using vertcat Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent " problem ?
You probably think that your square brackets are creating a 4x1 vector. But they aren't, because of the random space characters...

3 months ago | 0

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How to fix broken function code?
Use array division here: s_2 = sum((x.*y)./(delta_y.^2)); % ^^ and here: s_5 = sum(x.^2./(delta_y.^2)); % ...

3 months ago | 0

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Excel to timetable, problem with datetime
"Can anyone see the reason?" The date format you are attempting to use does not match the dates given in the file text: there a...

3 months ago | 0

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Numeric to Ordinal-String
Convert numeric values to a string array of integers with ordinal suffixes. Fully vectorized!

3 months ago | 5 downloads |


How do I print coordinates in an (x, y, z) form?
r = pi; lambda = sqrt(2); phi = exp(1); fprintf('Our rectangular coordinates converted to cylindrical coordinates are (%0.2f,...

3 months ago | 0

Replacing a field in an structure that is subset within a larger structure
If EVENT is non-scalar them you will get that error. The correct approach is to use a comma-separated list. Lets try it right n...

3 months ago | 0

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How to convert /map uint16 to int16 maintaining the dynamic range so that [0] and [2^16-1] in uint16 beomes [-2^15] and [2^15-1] without going through double
inp = uint16([-Inf,pi,Inf]) Method one: use INT32 for the intermediate values: off = int32(intmin('int16')); out = int16(int3...

3 months ago | 3

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get interpolated values from timetable
INTERP1 accepts DATETIME objects: dt = datetime(1990,1,1,[9;10],0,0); A = [36;28]; B = [12;24]; T = table(dt,A,B) newT = ...

3 months ago | 0

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Better way to combine number with fraction?
Note that you will need to use SPRINTF (or COMPOSE etc) to get the right output when NANOSEC has fewer than the full nine digits...

3 months ago | 1

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Use info in the row based on it being the max value
The second output from MAX is the index, you can use that: [maxDiameter,idx] = max(diameter); row = mat(idx,:)

3 months ago | 0

Files read with "dir" have additional (nondesirable) characters
S = dir('C:\Users\XXX\Desktop\...\*.csv'); S(startsWith({},'.')) = [];

3 months ago | 1

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Filtering the common rows between two matrices
A = [1,2,3; 4,5,6; 7,8,9] B = [1,2,3,90; 3,1,2,88; 4,5,6,17; 6,5,4,19; 7,8,9,12; 15,18,22,20] [X,Y] = ismember(sort(B(:,1:3),2...

3 months ago | 0

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Handling Undesirable Characters in Numeric Columns When Reading a CSV File
You should NOT make changes to the original data file. fnm = 'p1.csv'; opt = detectImportOptions(fnm, 'FileType','delimitedtex...

3 months ago | 0

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how to open a file from the previous folder
Note that there is absolutely no need to call PWD. Simply use '.' to refer to the current directory: relativePathToC = './../C'...

3 months ago | 0

Turning string into a variable name for a function to use
The basic problem is that you are LOADing directly into the workspace. You have already painted yourself into a corner. However,...

3 months ago | 0

Remove duplicate lines in a document
txt = fileread('filteredSatellites.txt') rgx = '([^\n\r]+)\s+(1(\s+\S+){8})\s+(2(\s+\S+){8})'; tkn = regexp(txt,rgx,'tokens');...

3 months ago | 0

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