Steven Lord
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I joined The MathWorks in the Technical Support department during the summer of 2001 and transferred into the Quality Engineering department in March of 2004. I now work qualifying the core MATLAB numerical functions (PLUS, MINUS, LU, FFT, ODE45, etc.) Professional Interests: mathematics, MATLAB For assistance with MATLAB question please post to MATLAB Answers or contact Technical Support using the Contact Us link in the upper-right corner of the page instead of contacting me directly.
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Unit testing of a script that requires a file as input
I would split your script into two pieces: An interface piece that calls input. This piece would not be used during automated t...
9 hours ago | 0
Constructing a string with several index requirements
r2 = [0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210]; ind = 0:numel(r2)-1; result = join("ScanArray(0)(" + ind + ")=" + r2, newl...
9 hours ago | 1
Changing values in an array with unknown dimension
You can use ind2sub as suggested in the answer posted by @Jaynik. But as they wrote that code, they hard-coded the number of dim...
1 day ago | 1
Mesh error on my Matlab R2024a home edition
You have your own script named strings.m. MathWorks introduced a strings function in release R2016b and this function appears to...
8 days ago | 0
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Sparse matrix memory understanding
Please don't post pictures of code. MATLAB Answers can't run pictures of code. rng default Yb = unifrnd(-1, 1, [20000 20000]);...
9 days ago | 0
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if/elseif statement with rand() falling between two values
You could either write your code like this: rng default % Allow both code segments to generate the same sequence of random numb...
10 days ago | 0
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Rock, Paper, Scissors Game
You could, instead of making a matrix of results, make a table. possibilities = ["rock", "scissors", "paper"]; results = array...
10 days ago | 1
How to remove some xticklabels (but still keeping all the xticks)?
x = 1:100; y = exp(-0.1*x); plot(x,y) xticks(0:10:100) xl = xticklabels; xl(1:2:end) = {''}; % Replace every other label x...
10 days ago | 1
ltefadingchannel built-in function
which -all ltefadingchannel So this is a MATLAB code file. dbtype 189 lteFadingChannel.m It's a MATLAB function file. You can...
11 days ago | 0
Solve and Vpasolve can't find solutions
I am trying to solve this system of equations for my class. No, you have a system of inequalities and equations. Let's try solv...
11 days ago | 1
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Suppressing braces and single quotes of a string matrix
That's not a string matrix. That's a cell array each cell of which contains a char vector. Commonly that's referred to as a cell...
14 days ago | 0
Array indices must be positive integers or logical values
If you are attempting to compile code using MATLAB Compiler that calls load to load an object from a MAT-file and there is no in...
15 days ago | 0
Problem with iradon in Matlab 2024b
Can you confirm that you're using the iradon function included in Image Processing Toolbox? The error message indicates the fail...
16 days ago | 0
Circshift bug for sparse logical.
This bug was fixed in release R2018a.
16 days ago | 0
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Downsampling array data from counts per minute to counts per hour
Another potential approach would be to use the groupsummary function.
16 days ago | 0
I am struggling to store a function without it being evaluated so the function can be differentiated later.
The correct syntax to make that into an anonymous function is: startfunc = @(t) 1./t + log(t) Then evaluating it works like: ...
17 days ago | 0
Attempted to access solutionsofar(:,0); index must be a positive integer or logical.
To clarify, most likely solutionsofar starts off as a 0-by-0 matrix because it was declared as global. From that documentation p...
17 days ago | 0
A parfor loop and random number generator
See this documentation page for an explanation and a suggested approach to do what you want.
18 days ago | 2
MATLAb Solve function not solving
I ran the code using release R2019a and it seems to have worked correctly, giving results that match what others have posted in ...
18 days ago | 1
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Simple question about creating an anonymous function,
The ode45 function requires the function handle you specify as the first input to accept two input arguments and return an outpu...
19 days ago | 1
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Matlab Compiler: passing parameters
How can I prepare a compiled Standalone Application such that the user can open it either in a Matlab command window or a web br...
21 days ago | 0
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difference between simulating a polynomial to the nth power and using the polynomial expansion theorem to expand it. the index increases, the difference in values increases
Let's look at the numbers involved in the calculations in your polynomial evaluations. I've renamed r0_values to just r0 to make...
23 days ago | 1
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Installed package is not working
In order to see Control System Toolbox in the output of ver, specify 'control' (singular) instead of 'controls' (plural). ver c...
23 days ago | 0
How to scale values in y-axis to be 1-100%?
Use normalize to normalize your data to the range [0, 100]. x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]; y = [5, 50, 200, 180, 100, 60, 53...
24 days ago | 1
The Code to replace non-threshold indexes in Array
Get rid of the find call. A = randi(5,5) idx = (A > 3) % Make a logical mask A(idx) = log10(A(idx)) % Use the logical mask to...
25 days ago | 0
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iscellstr warning "To support string in addition to cellstr, include a call to 'isstring'" unavoidable?
I am just wondering why a function cannot be used without throwing a warning. Does the function issue a warning when you run it...
25 days ago | 0
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download example LLC converter
When I open the version of this example in the release R2022b documentation, the command that it shows me to open that example i...
25 days ago | 1
to use ismember with arraycell
Both outputs are the same size as the first input. gg = {'A'; 'A'; 'B'; 'A'}; [a1,b1]=ismember({'A'},gg) [a2, b2] = ismember(...
26 days ago | 0
Gets "Function 'subsindex' is not defined for valuse of class matla.ui.control.UICONTROL
Don't define a variable named set in your code. If you do, you will not be able to call the set function in that function. Modif...
26 days ago | 0
Matlab forgets new paths I add
What did you run between those two pictures of the Path Tool? It almost looks like you ran (or a function you executed ran) pat...
27 days ago | 0