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Convert direction cosine matrix to geodetic latitude and longitude



[lat lon] = dcm2latlon(dcm) calculates the geodetic latitude and longitude lat and lon for the direction cosine matrix dcm.

[lat lon] = dcm2latlon(dcm,action) performs an, action, if the direction cosine matrix is invalid, that is, not orthogonal.

[lat lon] = dcm2latlon(dcm,action,tolerance) uses a tolerance level, tolerance, to evaluate if the direction cosine matrix is within tolerance.


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Determine the geodetic latitude and longitude from direction cosine matrix dcm.

dcm = [ 0.3747    0.5997    0.7071; ...
        0.8480   -0.5299         0; ...
        0.3747    0.5997   -0.7071]; 
[lat, lon] = dcm2latlon(dcm)
lat = 44.9995
lon = -122.0005

Determine the geodetic latitude and longitude from multiple direction cosine matrices.

dcm = [ 0.3747    0.5997    0.7071; ...
        0.8480   -0.5299         0; ...
        0.3747    0.5997   -0.7071]; 
dcm(:,:,2) = [-0.0531    0.6064    0.7934; ...
               0.9962    0.0872         0; ...
              -0.0691    0.7903   -0.6088]; 
[lat, lon] = dcm2latlon(dcm)
lat = 2×1


lon = 2×1


Determine the geodetic latitude and longitude from the direction cosine matrix dcm within tolerance.

dcm = [ 0.3747    0.5997    0.7071; ...
        0.8480   -0.5299         0; ...
        0.3747    0.5997   -0.7071]; 
[lat, lon] = dcm2latlon(dcm,'Warning',0.1)
lat = 44.9995
lon = -122.0005

Input Arguments

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Direction cosine matrix, specified as a 3-by-3-by-M containing M orthogonal direction cosine matrices. dcm performs the coordinate transformation of a vector in Earth-centered Earth-fixed (ECEF) axes into a vector in North-East-down (NED) axes.

Data Types: double

Function behavior when direction cosine matrix is invalid, that is not orthogonal.

  • 'Warning' — Displays warning and indicates that the direction cosine matrix is invalid.

  • 'Error' — Displays error and indicates that the direction cosine matrix is invalid.

  • 'None' — Does not display warning or error.

Data Types: char | string

Tolerance of direction cosine matrix validity, specified as a scalar. The function considers the direction cosine matrix valid if these conditions are true:

  • The transpose of the direction cosine matrix times itself equals 1 within the specified tolerance (transpose(dcm)*dcm == 1±tolerance).

  • The determinant of the direction cosine matrix equals 1 within the specified tolerance (det(dcm) == 1±tolerance).

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

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Geodetic latitude, returned as an M array in degrees.

Geodetic longitude, returned as a M array in degrees.

Version History

Introduced in R2006b