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Get runtime attribute of actor

Since R2022a



    runtimeAttr = getAttribute(actorSim,runtimeAttrName) returns the specified runtime attribute of the ActorSimulation object actorSim. When you use this function inside the stepImpl method of MATLAB® System object™, the function returns the states from the previous time step except the actor ID.


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    Create a ScenarioSimulation object for a scenario with multiple actors.

    rrApp = roadrunner("C:\Project\TestHighwayRoute"); 
    sim = createSimulation(rrApp);

    Start the simulation.


    Pause the simulation.


    Get all actors from the simulation.

    actorsim = get(sim,"ActorSimulation"); 

    Get the first two actors from the list.

    one = actorsim(1);
    two = actorsim(2);

    Get the ID of the first actor.

    id = getAttribute(one,"ID")
    id =

    Get the pose of the first actor. For more information about actor pose, see What Is a RoadRunner Pose Matrix?

    pose = getAttribute(one,"Pose")
    pose =
        0.1096    0.9940   -0.0000  -28.1452
       -0.9940    0.1096    0.0000   -3.2291
        0.0000    0.0000    1.0000   -0.0000
             0         0         0    1.0000

    Get the velocity of the second actor.

    velocity = getAttribute(two,"Velocity")
    velocity =
        6.9507    2.8702    0.0000

    Get the angular velocity of the first actor.

    angvelocity = getAttribute(two,"AngularVelocity") 
    angvelocity =
         0     0.23     0

    Get the wheel poses of the second actor.

    wheelposes = getAttribute(two,"WheelPoses")
    wheelposes(:,:,1) =
        0.9972   -0.0671   -0.0330   -0.5672
       -0.0747   -0.8946   -0.4405    1.3838
             0    0.4417   -0.8971    0.3441
             0         0         0    1.0000
    wheelposes(:,:,2) =
        0.9974   -0.0650   -0.0320    0.5672
       -0.0725   -0.8948   -0.4406    1.3838
             0    0.4417   -0.8971    0.3441
             0         0         0    1.0000
    wheelposes(:,:,3) =
        1.0000         0         0   -0.5672
             0   -0.8971   -0.4417   -1.3295
             0    0.4417   -0.8971    0.3441
             0         0         0    1.0000
    wheelposes(:,:,4) =
        1.0000         0         0    0.5672
             0   -0.8971   -0.4417   -1.3295
             0    0.4417   -0.8971    0.3441
             0         0         0    1.0000

    Get the map location of the first actor.

    ml = getAttribute(one,"LaneLocation")
    ml = 
      struct with fields:
              IsOnLane: 1
        LocationOnLane: [1×1 struct]

    Check whether the actor is on its lane.

    ans =

    Get information about the lane the actor is on.

    ans = 
      struct with fields:
          LaneID: '{7c2e895c-6b90-4892-aa6e-9ed116db53b5}'
        Position: 0.5359
           Angle: 0.0014

    Input Arguments

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    Actor from which to return runtime attribute, specified as an ActorSimulation object.

    Name of runtime attribute to be retrieved, specified as one of these values.

    • "ID"

    • "Pose"

    • "Velocity"

    • "AngularVelocity"

    • "WheelPoses"

    • "LaneLocation"

    • "Children"

    • "Parent"

    • "PhaseStatus"

    Data Types: string | char

    Output Arguments

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    Runtime attribute of actor, returned as a scalar, array, structure, or object, depending on the value of the input argument runtimeAttrName.

    Value of runtimeAttrNameValue of runtimeAttr
    "ID"Actor identifier, returned as a scalar of data type uint64.
    "Pose"Position and orientation of actor in the RoadRunner Scenario coordinate system, returned as a 4-by-4 array. See What Is a RoadRunner Pose Matrix? for more information.
    "Velocity"Velocity of actor in the x-, y- and z- directions, returned as a 1-by-3 vector. Units are in meters per second.
    "AngularVelocity"Angular velocity of actor in the x-, y-and z- directions, returned as a 1-by-3 vector. Units are in radians per second.

    Runtime pose of each wheel of vehicle-type actor, returned as a 4-by-4-by-N array. N is the number of wheels of the vehicle-type actor.

    WheelPoses is returned for wheels starting on the leftmost side of the front axle, and moving to the right. After the first axle is complete, the leftmost wheel on the second axle is taken into consideration before moving to the right, and so on.

    "LaneLocation"Location of actor with respect to the lane it is mapped to.

    Immediate children of specified actor, if any, returned as a cell array of ActorSimulation objects.

    If the specified actor does not have any child actors, then an empty cell array is returned.


    Immediate parent of specified actor, returned as an ActorSimulation object.

    If the specified actor itself is a parent, then the ActorSimulation object corresponding to the world actor is returned.


    Information about all phases of a particular actor, returned as a structure.

    This table describes the fields of the LaneLocation structure.

    Field NameDescription
    IsOnLaneBoolean value indicating if the actor is located on a lane. An actor is considered to be on a certain lane if its model origin lies in between the left and right boundaries of this lane.
    LocationOnLaneCurrent lane of actor, returned as a struct. If an actor straddles several lanes, the most aligned lane is returned.

    The table describes the fields of the LocationOnLane structure of the LaneLocation structure.

    Field NameDescription
    LaneIDUUID identifier of the most aligned lane, returned as a string.
    PositionPosition of the actor on the lane-center polyline (in s-value). The s-value is a double value within [0, 1] that indicates a position on a 3-D polyline with 0 at the start and 1 at the end of the polyline.
    AngleAngle between the actor travel direction and tangent at the lane position. Units are in radians.

    This table describes the fields of the PhaseStatus structure.

    Field NameDescription
    PhaseIDIdentifier of the phase, returned as a string.
    PhaseNameName of phase, returned as a string.
    ActorIDActor identifier, returned as a scalar of data type uint64.
    StartConditionStatusStatus of the start condition, returned as a structure.
    EndConditionStatusStatus of the end condition, returned as a structure.

    Action type, returned as an enumeration variable of the EnumActionType enumeration class.

    The value of EnumActionType variable can be:

    • LaneChange — Lane change action

    • Path — Path action

    • Speed — Speed action

    • LateralOffset — Lateral offset action

    • Position — Position action


    Run-time state of a phase, returned as an enumeration variable of the EnumPhaseState enumeration class.

    The value of the EnumPhaseState variable can be:

    • Unspecified — The phase has not yet been intialized.

    • Idle — The phase is not running currently, and its start conditions are not being evaluated yet.

    • Start — The start conditions of a phase are being evaluated, but are not yet satisfied.

    • Run — The start conditions are satisfied, and the phase is running.

    • End — Phase execution has ended, or was skipped.


    Action event dispatch status, returned as an enumeration variable of the ActionEventStatus enumeration class.

    The value of the ActionEventStatus variable can be:

    • Unspecified — Action event is not yet initialized.

    • Dispatched — Action event has been dispatched.

    • Interrupted — Action event has been interrupted or cancelled after dispatch.

    • Skipped — Action event has been skipped or preempted by another conflicting action.

    • Done — Action event is completed.

    This table describes the fields of the StartConditionStatus and EndConditionStatus structures, which are fields of the PhaseStatus structure:

    Field NameDescription
    ConditionStatusIDStart or end condition status identifier, returned as a string.

    Run-time state of a start or end condition, returned as an enumeration variable of the EnumConditionState enumeration class.

    The value of EnumConditionState variable can be:

    • Unspecified — The condition is not initialized.

    • Not_Yet_Evaluated — The condition is initialized, but has not been evaluated.

    • Unsatisfied — The condition is evaluated, but not satisfied.

    • Satisfied — The condition is evaluated, and satisfied.


    Type of condition, returned as an enumeration variable of the EnumConditionType enumeration class.

    The value of EnumConditionType variable can be:

    • duration — Run-time status of a duration condition

    • simulation_time — Run-time status of a simulation time condition

    • distance — Run-time status of a distance condition

    • actor_speed — Run-time status of an actor speed condition

    • collisions — Run-time status of a collision condition

    • actor_lane — Run-time status of an actor lane condition

    • and_condition — Run-time status of an and condition

    • or_condition — Run-time status of an or condition

    • lateral_offset — Runtime status of a lateral offset condition.

    • phase_state — Runtime status of a phase state condition.

    • event_condition — Runtime status of an event condition status.


    Data associated with a specific condition type, returned as a structure.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2022a

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