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Neural State-Space Models

Use neural networks to represent the functions defining the nonlinear state space realization of your system

Live Editor Tasks

Estimate Neural State-Space ModelEstimate neural state-space model in the Live Editor (Since R2023b)


createMLPNetworkCreate and initialize a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) network to be used within a neural state-space system (Since R2022b)
nssTrainingOptionsCreate training options object for neural state-space systems (Since R2022b)
nlssestEstimate nonlinear state-space model using measured time-domain system data (Since R2022b)
generateMATLABFunctionGenerate MATLAB functions that evaluate the state and output functions of a neural state-space object, and their Jacobians (Since R2022b)
idNeuralStateSpace/evaluateEvaluate a neural state-space system for a given set of state and input values and return state derivative (or next state) and output values (Since R2022b)
idNeuralStateSpace/linearizeLinearize a neural state-space model around an operating point (Since R2022b)
simSimulate response of identified model


idNeuralStateSpaceNeural state-space model with identifiable network weights (Since R2022b)
nssTrainingADAMAdam training options object for neural state-space systems (Since R2022b)
nssTrainingSGDMSGDM training options object for neural state-space systems (Since R2022b)


Neural State-Space ModelSimulate neural state-space model in Simulink (Since R2022b)
