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(Not recommended) Determine if input is folder on search path

isdir is not recommended. Use isfolder instead.


result = isdir(folderName) returns 1 if folderName is a folder on the search path. Otherwise, isdir returns 0.



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Check if the input myfile1.txt is a folder. A result of 0 indicates that myfile1.txt is not a folder.

result = isdir('myfile1.txt')
result = logical

Create the folder myfolder, and then check if myfolder is a folder. A result of 1 indicates that myfolder is a folder.

mkdir myfolder;
result = isdir('myfolder')
result = logical

Get the Current Folder listing and filter out only the folders.

Create two folders, myfolder1 and myfolder2.

mkdir myfolder1
mkdir myfolder2

Get the current folder listing.

listing = dir;

Filter out only the folders.

onlyFolders = listing([listing.isdir]);
ans = 
ans = 
ans = 
ans = 

Input Arguments

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Folder name, specified as a character vector. You can specify folderName as an absolute or relative path.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a