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Compute noncompartmental analysis (NCA) parameters (requires Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox)



ncaparameters = sbionca(data,opt) computes NCA parameters from the concentration-time data. The options object opt defines the data columns and other calculation options. ncaparameters is a table of calculated NCA parameter values for each group.


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Load a synthetic data set that contains the drug concentration measurements of four individuals after an IV bolus dose.

load data1.mat

Set the dose amounts to NaN at time points when no dose was administered.

data1.Dose(data1.Dose(:) == 0) = NaN;

Display the data.


Categorize the data columns using an NCA options object.

opt = sbioncaoptions;
opt.groupColumnName         = 'ID';
opt.concentrationColumnName = 'DrugConc';
opt.timeColumnName          = 'Time';
opt.IVDoseColumnName        = 'Dose';

Compute NCA parameters for each individual.

ncaparameters = sbionca(data1,opt);

Display the first few columns of the table. Each row of ncaparameters table represents an individual (or group), and each column lists the corresponding NCA parameter value.

ans=4×15 table
    ID    doseSchedule    administrationRoute    Lambda_Z      R2       adjusted_R2    Num_points    AUC_0_last    Tlast    C_max     C_max_Dose    T_max     MRT      T_half    AUC_infinity
    __    ____________    ___________________    ________    _______    ___________    __________    __________    _____    ______    __________    _____    ______    ______    ____________

    1      {'Single'}         {'IVBolus'}        0.57893     0.99991       0.9999          11          143.61       48      74.412      1.4882        0      1.5408    1.1973       143.61   
    2      {'Single'}         {'IVBolus'}        0.66798     0.99998      0.99998          11          299.37       48      191.96      1.9196        0      1.3352    1.0377       299.37   
    3      {'Single'}         {'IVBolus'}        0.62124     0.99999      0.99999          11           766.5       48      411.06      1.6442        0      1.4476    1.1157        766.5   
    4      {'Single'}         {'IVBolus'}        0.58011     0.99995      0.99995          11          1301.8       48      648.33      1.2967        0      1.5721    1.1949       1301.8   

You can also specify a custom time range to compute T_max and C_max within that time range, say from time = 0 to 20. You can do so by setting the C_max_ranges property as a cell array of two-element row vector.

opt.C_max_ranges    = {[5.5 20]};
ncaparameters2       = sbionca(data1,opt);

The function reports the T_max and C_max values within the range by adding two new columns: T_max_5_5__20 and C_max_5_5__20. Note that in the names of these two columns, the last time point is preceded by two consecutive underscores (__).

ans = 4×1


ans = 4×1


Similarly, you can specify a custom time range to compute the partial AUC value for each group.

opt.PartialAreas    = {[0 20]};
ncaparameters3      = sbionca(data1,opt);
ans = 4×1
103 ×


You can also specify multiple time ranges for C_max_ranges and PartialAreas.

opt.C_max_ranges    = {[0 20],[0 10],[0 15]};
opt.PartialAreas    = {[0 12],[0 30]};
ncaparameters4      = sbionca(data1,opt);

Input Arguments

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Concentration-time data for NCA parameter computation, specified as a table, dataset, or groupedData.

The data must contain a time column, a concentration column, and a dose column that defines dose amounts. The function ignores all data points before the first dose. Optionally, if you have data containing multiple groups of observations, you can define a group column. You can also specify a dose rate column as needed. For details, see Noncompartmental Analysis.

Example: concData

Options object to define data columns and calculation options, specified as an NCA options object. Use sbioncaoptions to create this object and set the options.

Example: ncaopt

Output Arguments

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Calculated NCA parameters, returned as a table. For details on how the parameters are computed, see Noncompartmental Analysis.

Version History

Introduced in R2017b

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