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for loop and xlswrite

1 view (last 30 days)
Muhammad Usman
Muhammad Usman on 1 Jul 2014
Commented: Muhammad Usman on 1 Jul 2014
Hi,i want to use xlswrite to write my data using for loop but the issue I am facing that if i have for loop with decimal interval then how can i write it to excel (discrete cells),e.g
for k=1:0.5:5
my_cell = sprintf( 'A%s',num2str(k) );
by using this i got error,please help me in writing such stuff. Thanks* |

Accepted Answer

Sara on 1 Jul 2014
K is not an integer so you can't use it to select the excel cell. Do this:
j = 0;
for k=1:0.5:5
j = j + 1;
my_cell = sprintf( 'A%s',num2str(j) );

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